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I can see Jimin fidgeting a lot and looking a bit nervous, it was rare to see him like this. I can understand why he's acting like some kid going to their first detention.

Ever since Yoongi revealed that he and Jungkook are related, all the students won't stop talking about them. Of course the duo didn't care, especially Yoongi, who never left the boy's side ever since he came back from Busan.

Back to Jimin, the reason he's acting like this is because Hoseok hyung has been trying to invite us to their table since Jungkook seem to like us a lot and wanted to become friends.

I wanted to jump around and frolick in a field of flowers when I heard that he wants to be with me (and Jimin), but I saw my best friend looking like he wants the earth to swallow him whole and vanish.

Hoseok may be a close friend of ours, but that doesn't mean we've met all of his other friends. Also, Jimin tends to make excuses to avoid meeting Yoongi by telling him he's too intimidating for him or bad boys aren't his cup of tea.

Which was an obvious lie seeing him clearly staring at Yoongi like a lovesick puppy and Hoseok hyung isn't dumb to find out the real reason, but he let's us off.

I didn't get to properly talk to Yoongi since I am Jimin's best friend and we're always stuck together. Something about bros-before-crushes, which doesn't even rhyme at all, but I still stayed by his side whatsoever.

"You know you should stop being a pussy and just go to their table"

It's lunch time and we were eating at our table, I can see Hoseok's a few tables away from ours. Hyung was signaling us to just sit with them already and I was desperately trying to signal him a 'my best friend is currently gay panicking and I don't know what to do with him'.

"You know I can't!"
"Uhhh... not really?"

Jimin groans and started fanning his red face. His face is always a shade of red whenever it's related to Yoongi and it's fun to watch him trying to piece himself together.

"It may seem easy to you since bunny boy just became your crush a few weeks ago, or may be crush at first sight" I was still flustered about calling Jungkook my crush, but I nodded to make Jimin know I'm still listening.

"BUT.. I've had a crush on the guy for like.... 3 years? I lost count, but anyway, when I saw how much he doesn't give a shit and looking so confident- UGH! He is H-O-T!" I can see why he would start crushing on the older cause bad boys are exactly Jimin's type.


"If Yoongi doesn't exist and if the rumors about Jungkook being a bad boy are true.. will you-?"
"Have a crush on him? Most definitely, my soft teddy bear dumpling pie~"

And his teasing smirk is back. It makes me want to ruin it by walking towards Hoseok hyung's table myself and see him suffer alone, while I enjoy sitting close with Jungkook and his crush.

I didn't have to do that since I suddenly noticed Jungkook is now standing beside our table, smiling at us- OH MY GOD DON'T DO THIS TO MY HEART!

I didn't have to do that since I suddenly noticed Jungkook is now standing beside our table, smiling at us- OH MY GOD DON'T DO THIS TO MY HEART!

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