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I just arrived school and am now walking through the crowd of students in the hallway, trying to look for a certain Bambi. Since our lockers are close to one another, I didn't have to worry about rushing to get my things.

Jungkook was just opening his locker and I was ready to approach him, but suddenly Jimin ran past me, grabbed the boy's shoulders and turned him around to face him.

He was obviously suprised at the sudden action and looked at my best friend with his big shock eyes. The poor kid didn't even get to utter a word cause Jimin soon asked him.

"Is it true?"

Still holding onto him, Jungkook was beyond confused at the sudden approach and question.

"Jimin, don't scare Jungkook. Your question wasn't even specific enough"

I tapped his hands to signal him to remove them from the youngest. I then replaced them with my arm and pulled him next to me, causing Jimin to roll his eyes at this.

"Anyway, I meant like... is it true Yoongi hyung is dropping out of school?"

That's when Jungkook gets it and let out a tiny 'oh'. We were both shock when he nodded and Jimin's shoulder slumped.

Oh Jimin...

We were both sad about the news, but he had a crush on Yoongi hyung for 3 years now and he was even planning to finally make a move.

"What's with the pout you two? Did someone's cat died?"

Jimin and I gasped at hearing this voice. We snapped our heads to look and our eyes widen.

"Y-Yoongi hyung? Why are you here? I thought-"
"I technically just started and I still have to like settle down. I have a few more weeks before my schedule gets packed"

I can see Jimin's eyes dilated and I tried my best not to chuckle at such a lovestruck look.

Yoongi hyung suddenly pushed my arm off around Jungkook, just to wrap his arm instead. It resulted with me pouting and Jungkook chuckling at our actions.

"So, you'll still show up to school?"

I asked and I got a shrug as a reply

"Not really all the time? I won't stay for long, mostly in the mornings just to take my brother to school"

Jimin was nervous, seeing how he's fidgeting a lot, but he was able to open his mouth and ask.

"So we don't get to... hangout as much?"

The older stared at him and seemed to be contemplating. He just huff out a smile and patted Jimin's head, which made him let out a soft gasp.

"Is that what you're pouting about kid? Now that I think about it. You and I both haven't really spend time together"

Jungkook then started bouncing on his heels and turned towards his brother.

"You two should bond more! It's true that you and Jimin hyung haven't really went out together"

I saw Jimin's eyes full of panic and started waving his hands, wanting to stop Jungkook from suggesting.

And since we're best friends....

"I agree with Jungkook here, hyung! You and Jimin should really go out! Just the two of you~"

I can hear my Soulmate splutter and grabbed my arm as a way to warn me.

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