Chaper 1

40 0 0

November 17th 2014

"What the hell is your problem?!" I screamed dramatically.

He stood up and look at me confused.

"She's missing! Don't you get that? No one can find her!"

"Look, Katie, just calm down. I'm sure she'll turn up."

"But, what if she doesn't? Forget it. It's not like you would care."

"What are talking about? You know I love her just as much as you do."

"Are you kidding?! She's been gone for 7 hours. They just got in a huge fight; there's no way she wouldn't call me or at least tell me where she was!"

"Calm down. You know, you yelling at me is helping about as much as me not looking for her!"

I could tell he was getting mad. He started to scream at me and he had never done that.... ever.

"You're such an asshole. I can't believe you're actually saying this to me right now. You aren't even helping me look for my best friend! He's been driving the streets for hours trying to find and her. She's nowhere and you don't even care."

He just sat there and ignored me; obviously he was fed up with us fighting like this.

"Fine." I said in a quiet tone "The second I find her, I'm gone! Don't call me, don't message me, anything! I don't want to see you again, ever."

You could tell he wasn't expecting that. He looked up at me as he was fighting back tears. Then again, so was I.

I stormed out slamming the door as loud as I could. But, right now, all I could think about was finding her.

Then the phone rang.

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