Chapter 1: Joshua Cawood-Alick

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  • Dedicated to Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler

"Okay, so I've set you an hour of reading this evening,"
Would the teacher ever stop talking? I promised I'd meet Ty at the tree at 2 and it was already 1.59. I knew he was a stickler for time. Before I really got to know him as a kid I remember that his parents would always time things just right. I still don't know whether it impressed me because of how amazingly organised it was, or whether it was just that my life was so unorganised that it looked great only in comparison. I remember Tyson's mom would come pick me up outside my foster home to take me to baseball practise and despite the Coach Gerry telling everyone not to be there before 4, Mrs Alick would always be standing in the hallway chatting an hour early. Thankfully, something came of those chats and when I finally was adopted by Tyson's parents my life finally retained some order, order that I still owe to my best friend for being one of the greatest people I had ever met. So when Tyson asks me to be somewhere, I'll be there no matter what- as on time as I could manage.
"Okay, you can go." Elena my Physics teacher finally decided to finish the class and I was grateful to finally get away, even if it was 4 minutes late. I walked from the labs across campus towards the edge of the performing arts centre where the tree stood. Tyson was sitting there impatiently scrolling through his phone as I whistled to him from across the greenery.
"You took your time!" He shouted back.
"Yeah, yeah," I muttered, rolling my eyes. "So?"
"Not bad considering. I mean, I thought it was going to be a lot rougher, you know." I nodded at him slowly. "I still didn't give them an answer. I haven't decided. It'll suck having to move so far, you know, from everything I love."
"Yeah but you can't pass up the chance to make that kind of cash, I mean, it's like once in a life time isn't it?" Tyson shrugged his shoulders. It irritated me how chilled he was with his life. Being offered a coaching position at one of the best baseball clubs in the world was something huge, yet Tyson treated it as though I'd just asked him if he wanted to go to Burger King for lunch. Granted he would have to move but this chance to kick start his career was insanely lucky.
"I suppose."
"Why are you being so dead about it?"
"Promise you won't rip the piss out of me?"
"That depends on what you say." I replied, smiling at him.
"C'mon bro, I'm serious." He said, almost stropping like he did when it was my turn to use the X-Box. He had become so accustomed to his only child ways that when I moved in with him, despite it being mostly a dream come true for him to have a brother, it did take him a while to getting used to sharing.
"You know what you just said?"
"You know, the part about 'once in a lifetime' and all that crap."
"Yeah? Your point being?"
"Well, I know it's a once in a life-time job opportunity but...well, what if Kellan is a once in a life-time girl? Like, I think she's the one." Of course. I don't know why I didn't consider it before. Kellan was the reason. And she was a pretty big fucking reason. She had helped Tyson overcome so much that I couldn't and he had known her nearly as long as he'd known me. Whenever I saw them together it just seemed as though they were so right for each other. Balanced. A perfect couple. I couldn't imagine choosing between my career or my girlfriend, firstly because my career was still yet to have any kind of path to take after college, and secondly because Emma is a graphic designer. All she would need is a laptop and she could follow me anywhere. It was a little more difficult for Tyson's soccer star girlfriend to leave her college team, 2 year course in coaching and a six month job training high-school freshman and move to the other side of the country. Their plan was for Ty to coach the college team, minor league baseball, but being offered a chance to become an assistant coach in professional major league baseball switched things up dramatically. Spending most of their time in their room these days I had forgotten how Tyson's offer may have effected their plans. I was unsure what to say next, knowing I couldn't give him the kind of answer he wanted
"I get you bro," I sighed. "I wish I knew the answer."
"Me too." He said staring out across the field. "Kell's got a friendly in about 15, you coming? Meant to ask you last night but I forgot."
"Yeah okay, I'll text Em to meet us there, I think she'll be out by then."
"Cool." Tyson replied looking down.
"Whatever you decide she still would've been proud of you. Don't think you'd be letting her down if you chose Kell." I said in a low voice. Tyson looked at me smiling relieved.
"Love you, man." Was all he said.
"You too." I nodded seriously. "Let's go."

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