Chapter 4: Kellan Selest

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"We're almost there." Tyson rubbed my arm waking me up softly. I smiled briefly at the thought of seeing my father after so long, until reality dawned on me once again. I had nothing to smile about. "You okay?" He questioned as he often did.
"Yeah, I'm just sleepy-" I lied.
"Well, you better have a Red Bull or something when we get to the hotel because we've only got two hours to get ready."
Two hours. Two hours would be enough to build up the courage to finally tell him.
My period was 2 weeks late.
 Not that he had noticed, he was too busy with training to remember it would eventually come. Even when we'd had sex each night for nearly 2 months he hadn't questioned it. He was so preoccupied with whether or not to take his job offer, he wasn't thinking normally. Living together I expected him to create some kind of schedule in his head; he was so good at things like that. Timing and organisation. I was the complete opposite, and forgetting to take the pill was a clear example of our differences. This was all my fault.
A part of me still held our hope that this was a mistake, maybe I had been training too hard and it had messed me up physically, maybe I had a condition, a disease that was causing me to be sick...and for my period to be delayed. No. Of course not. I needed to be brave and realistic. I was more than likely pregnant, and Tyson was not going to be happy. Our lives were so perfect. We lived together, with Tyson's brother Josh and my friend Emma in a small house 30 minutes from our college. We were so lucky to afford what we had, not only in terms of money but also in terms of love. I loved Tyson more than anyone I'd ever known, and I think he feels the same way. I prey he does. He was going to blame me though; I know it's my fault but I can't stop thinking about if he leaves me. As much as I like to think of myself as a modern, strong independent woman, he is my everything, and I know I would be utterly lost without him.

Tyson parked up in the hotel car park and we walked towards the reception. It was a nice hotel admittedly, but I was still gutted to not being able to sleep in my own room at my Dad's. Katrina's elderly mother had to stay with them as she needed care full time. I knew that was fair but I was disappointed to be coming home and just staying in a hotel room. At least my brothers had to stay in the hotel too.
My brothers.
I hadn't thought of how they would react if I was pregnant, they were overprotective of me as things were. They had always been suspicious of Tyson, worried that he was using me or he wouldn't take care of me properly. It had been several years since then and Tyson seemed to have earned their trust. But this would destroy any kind of friendship that Jay and Zeech had built with him. That was yet another reason for him to abandon me, I knew he was slightly afraid of my older brothers. Jay was 24 and just graduated from Harvard Law School. My father pushed us- and hard, another reason for this pregnancy to be the last thing I could ever want. My dad would go insane. I don't think he would cut me off, but I know he wouldn't be able to hide his anger and disappointment in me. His youngest child producing his first grand-baby. It wasn't ideal. Plus, I don't think him or Kat would take becoming a grandparent whilst they were in their early 40s very kindly. Zeech would be the angriest. He and I were the closest in age, only two years apart and he was so proud of my achievements in soccer. He was a successful hockey player, playing in the big leagues at only 20 years old; we had always bonded over our love of sport, just as Tyson and I do. He would be so disappointed to discover that my soccer career didn't even make it past its first season because of a teenage mistake.
We checked into the hotel, and just as we were about to walk away a familiar voice sounded.
"Jay- look at that loser girl over there!"
"Oh gross." Someone else replied. I didn't even look, just stuck my middle finger up in the direction I heard the voices.
"Ohhh!" I heard my brothers shouting. I finally turned and smiled a small smile at them. I missed them a lot, but my irritating worried brain wouldn't stop nagging at me about possibilities. I knew I had to tell Tyson tonight. Before the dinner, to get it over with.
"Hey man," Tyson hugged Zeech softly. "Long-time no see." 
"I know right. Hey Kell." He hugged me tightly. 
"Are you alright?" Jay asked as he looked at me me up and down. "You look a bit peaky."
"I'm fine," I forced a smile. "Just tired from the drive. I only just woke up."
"Okay..well. Make sure to make it on time tonight; I know what you're like." He said, half joking.
"Yeah, yeah." I sighed. I just wanted to get alone with Tyson.
"Don't worry, man. We'll be ready." 
"Ty's a serious stickler for time," I said quietly. "It'll be fine."
Inside, I was preying it would be fine. Anything could happen once I revealed my concerns to him.
"Well, you better go get ready then. We can catch up later- oh but Meghan's in the bathroom if you want to wait a sec and say hi." Jay said, I didn't want to wait to see Jay's girlfriend. I had nothing against her, she is such a lovely girl, but I had something else I needed to do.
"Tell her I'll talk to her later, yeah? I've got a lot to do." 
"No stress," Jay replied. "Laters." 
"Laters." I finished, quietly.

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