Chapter 3: Tyson Alick

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"I'm supposed to be there a few minutes early, would you hurry up?" I shouted up to Kellan from the door, looking at the time on my phone and then back to the door wondering whether to just leave right now.
"Just go, Ty. Emma can drop me later." She said back, barely shouting.
"Promise you'll be there on time cause we have to get there by 7 for the rehearsal dinner."
"I will!" She said suddenly.
"Okay, okay." I sighed, knowing she would be late. Her bag was still sitting empty in the bottom of our wardrobe when I woke up. It took me everything I had not to just pack for her so I knew we wouldn't be late, but that probably would've done more harm than good. The plan was that Kellan would study in the sports office while I trained, and we would leave for Chicago straight from there; but plans seemed to be alien to Kellan. Each time we had one I would have a grain of hope that she would stick to it and wouldn't change things last minute, and each time I would be bitterly disappointed. Only Kellan would be late for her own father's rehearsal dinner. Her mom was never really in the picture, some drug addict that couldn't even send her a birthday card, so her dad brought her up with the help of her step mom, Katrina. They'd been together for over 10 years, but Katrina's divorce from her previous money grabbing husband only just came through, so Kel's dad finally asked her to marry him. They were lovely people, so happy together and I knew they only wanted the best for Kellan. I seemed to get along with her dad from the moment I met him, our common interests in both sports and academia proved me to be a very impressive boyfriend for his little girl. I looked forward to seeing them, the smile they put on Kellan's face was so genuine and happy, I would move all the way back to Chicago just for that.
"I'm leaving!" I shouted.
No answer.
Nothing. I was beginning to think she was ignoring me, but I thought it worth to try once more.
"Kell are yo-" I was suddenly cut off by the sound of a small cry coming from upstairs. I raced up the stairs then, thinking it likely that she was probably just rewatching when Jim tells Pam he loves her, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help thinking that wasn't the case. I knew it would make me late, but I had to double check.
"What is it? I have to go." I began as I walked into our bedroom. Kellan was sitting on the side of the bed, staring out the window, tears stained her normally red, smiling cheeks. "What is it?"
"Go away." She said, not even looking st me.
"Kell, no, what is it?" I moved to sit next to her on the bed. "If it's about your dad's wedding-"
"It's not."
"Has something happened you're not telling me?"
"I don't know." She said. My heart suddenly skipped a beat. What was she hiding? Or rather who? I felt anger bubble inside me, but I knew I had to keep it in till I had the whole truth.
"What's happened?"
"I can't tell you." She spluttered.
"You can. I'm sure whatever it is we can sort it out." I said this with conviction I wasn't sure of. If she had been sleeping with someone else I wouldn't be able to sort that out, that was for sure.
"Just go to practise. It's nothing bad." She began to gather herself. "I'm not cheating on you or anything."
She said very quietly, knowing me too well to know I wasn't going to go until she put my dark thoughts at rest. I looked down at my watch, I was going to be at least ten minutes late if I stayed here any longer. It sounded heartless, but I couldn't be late, not even if Kellan was upset.
"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" He asked her, rubbing her knee.
"I promise." She said. "Just go, I know you're freaking out about being late." I smiled at how well she knew me.
"Call me if anything's wrong, okay? And promise me we'll talk about this later."
"Scouts honour." She smiled as she wiped away her remaining tears.
"I love you." I kissed her, softly.
"Love you, Ty." She said without making eye contact. I smiled forcefully and quickly walked out of the house and into the car. As I drove, my mind was racing as to what could've been bothering Kellan, maybe it was something to do with her mom? Or was she afraid of finally losing her father to Katrina? I know Kell loved Kat as much as her father, but she was a daddy's girl at heart. Whatever it was it couldn't be that bad. I arrived at practise and knew I had to throw myself into the game to stop myself from worrying. Baseball had always been my escape from the real world.

"Good job today, Alick." My coach smiled at me. I nodded at him firmly. "Kellan's in the office. You kids have a good time in Chicago, yeah?"
"Thank you, Coach. I'll be going to the batting range to practice in the morning tomorrow."
"Glad to hear it, son. But don't let it overcome your trip."
"I won't. Thanks, Mr Ferlan." I smiled and went towards the office, my large bag under my arm.
"You okay?" I smiled at Kell, her brow was furrowed as she stared at her laptop screen, her cute little face scrunched up in confusion as she read.
"Yeah. Sorry." She sighed.
"It's okay. We've got time. I'm surprised you're here on time." I grinned at her as she looked up at me, rolling her eyes and flashed her a cheeky wink. "Are you feeling better?"
"Not really." She murmured.
"What was wrong, Kell?" I said as I moved from the door to kneel down at her level.
"I'll tell you in the car," She said as she closed her folder, still not making eye contact with me. "Let's go."
I sighed. "Fine. Are you still going to drive?" I asked her, already knowing what the answer would be.
"Do I have to?" She said quietly.
"I knew you wouldn't. Come on." I smiled as I grabbed her bag and threw my arm over her shoulders.

For the first few minutes we sat in silence. Kellan had her feet up on the dashboard, shoes off, my hoodie draped over her like it was a blanket. She was so small she could fit her legs inside it too. 
"So..Are you going to tell me what you're little moment was about?" I questioned her.
"It really doesn't matter." She barely whispered, I could tell she was falling asleep. I should've known.
"You will tell me, right? Eventually?"
"Yeah, yeah." She sighed as her head drooped a little. I really hoped she would, I had put my anxiety aside for now, but if she had another moment like that, I would start to feel really worried. I guessed I'd just have to wait until we reached the city.

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