Chapter 6: Emma Daryl

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Joshua had been gone for around 35 minutes, and Kellan hadn't got any better. She sat on the edge of the bed, tears streaming and letting out the occasional sob. I held her hand, I told her it would be okay, but I knew she wasn't listening to me. All she wanted was for Tyson to come back, for him to tell her it would be okay...and as time went on it was looking less likely.
"Kell, I know you're not thinking about this but you're supposed to be downstairs in 30 minutes."
"I..I can't, Em. I can't go down there without Tyson. Zeech and Jay can't see me like this."
"How about..." I had to think quickly. "How about text Zeech and say that you're running late, and could they wait 30 minutes for you?"
"What excuse could I give? He wouldn't buy that he would know somethings wr-"
Kellan's phone made a loud notification sound. She stood up quickly and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. Her big blue eyes traced the words on the screen.
"It's Zeech. He says Katrina's mom over slept. They have to push the dinner back.""
"There you go. That's lucky."
"Don't talk about luck, Emma. None of this is lucky."I frowned. I hated when Kellan was like this. When she was upset it was like nothing in the entire would could be any good. I could end world hunger and she would still be upset she got a D in social studies.
"Sorry." Was all I said, looking away.
"No, I'm sorry. I don't mean to take this out on you. Thank you for coming here. I just hope it can help." Her voice broke on the last word and she let out another sob. I went over to her and pulled her into my arms.
"It will help. I promise you."
"But..but... even if it are we going to do this? How can me and Tyson be parents?"
"Kellan. This is going to be the hardest thing you've ever done, but I swear to you, in the end, it will be the best thing that has ever happened to you. You'll be a family. We'll be a family. You and Ty, and me and Josh and your little baby. It'll be insanely difficult, but you can't deny it would be pretty cool."
I waited for her answer. I preyed she wouldn't put a negative spin on this.
"I don't know how I'm going to get through this. But you're right, Em. I can do this. It'll work out in the end, won't it?"
"Of course it will." We hugged again and then we sat back down on the bed and awaited the boys return. We waited for around ten more minutes, until I heard a faint knock at the door. I opened it quickly and there Tyson stood, looking down at his feet. I stood still for a moment staring at him, waiting for him to look back at me.
"I'm sorry, Em." Was all he said as he looked up pleadingly to meet my eyes. He looked hurt...and scared. So did Kellan. I looked at Josh behind him and he nodded at me slightly, telling me Tyson was going to do the right thing. I looked back at Ty and smiled slightly, raising my eyebrows at him reassuringly.
"Go on." I said and gestured him in as I left the room towards Josh. We walked back to our room and both laid down on the bed in silence, staring at the ceiling for a few minutes. I think we were both trying to recover from what we had just experienced.
"Where did you find him?" I said, my curiosity breaking the silence.
"Where do you think?" Josh asked me.
"It was the apartment, wasn't it?" Josh just nodded slightly in response.
"The new tenant moves in next week, it'll probably be the last time we visit for a very long time."
"Is your dad making you give your keys back?" I asked.
"I think so. A repeat of what happened this evening would probably scare someone who was living there." Josh said, lightly chuckling at the end, though I knew it was forced. Both us couldn't believe what was happening. Our lives were about to take such a drastic change, we couldn't even talk to one another regularly. We laid for a while longer until Josh finally spoke.
"There's going to be a baby in the house."
"I know." I said quickly.
"My niece or nephew. I'm going to be an uncle at 18."
"By the time she has the baby, you and Kell will be 19." I reminded him of his birthday coming up in the next couple months. Things like that all seemed so trivial now. How could we celebrate and party as we usually did, with Kellan being several months pregnant?
"What would you do if that was us?"
"I don't know." I replied as Josh turned to look at me. We stared into eachother's eyes for a moment. I began to shake my head slowly, I was hoping he was thinking the same thing as I was.
"Me neither." He agreed. There were too many things we both wanted before we even thought about children. In my eyes, having my own wasn't that important anyways.
"Did Kell even consider it?"
"No. She said she could never, because of, you know. Whether Ty left her or not, she said she couldn't let it happen."
"I agree with her. I know it's so different for us, but in their case I think I agree. It would hurt everyone all over again."
"Are we going to this dinner?" I said, trying to change the subject.
"Shit, I don't know. I'll text Ty."
"Okay." I said, sighing. This wasn't the weekend I was expecting.
"Emma?" Josh questioned me.
"You know I'd never leave you, right?" He said looking into my eyes. "No matter what."
"I know. I love you." I said, and I was overwhelmed by the truth of my words. He was truly everything I could ever want.

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