Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Desert had felt immensely relieved when Minerva returned in one piece, but it was soon tempered by cold resolve when she informed the pack that Songan had accepted their challenge and would meet them in battle. The pack had responded as it always would--with a hard determination that showed little emotion, even if it was backed by it. Every Night-dog was willing to die for the pack and territory they loved. Desert felt none of the reservations she had during the war with Wind Pack; this conflict was unavoidable, and if her packmates did die, then at least they could die with dignity.

The three weeks that followed were filled with a solemnity that few dogs dared try to break. They all knew that their deaths could be coming, but they were prepared to fight until their very last breath. It was with that same solemnity that they all gathered beneath the overhang on the morning of the day of battle.

"I've never been one for speeches," Gannon said. "So I won't embarrass myself. All I want to say is that I respect each and every one of you, and it's been an honor to be your alpha. Siglitun willing, I will continue to be, but we'll find that out today. All of us are trainees or older, so I assume none of you want to stay behind?"

Every dog shook their head, even Tansy and Sundae, who were both the oldest dogs in the pack and neither were trained to be fighters. But Desert knew they never would have stayed back for anything. Gannon nodded curtly. "Let's be off, then."

As the pack set on their course towards the meadow, Desert dared to walk beside Minerva. She was staring ahead just as impassively as always, not appearing even slightly uncertain about what they were about to face. Desert had made a tepid attempt to ask her more about her experience with the wolves, but it was just as fruitless as it always was.

"Listen," she murmured. Minerva's ears twitched. "I know you don't want to talk to me and I won't force you. All I want to say is... be safe. All right?"

Minerva still didn't turn to look at her. "I'll fight as hard as anyone else."

She increased her speed, leaving Desert staring after her with an all-too-familiar ache in her heart. This could be the day they both died... and she had no idea how to say anything that Minerva would actually hear.

They soon arrived on the meadow, and Storm Pack emerged from their own forest close behind them. As they headed over to the rocky outcropping which Ranger had chosen as a meeting place, Desert realized how incredibly surreal this was. They had spent years fighting Wind Pack on this meadow, and now they would be fighting beside them. Possibly to the bitter end.

When Gannon and Aaron both went to join Ranger and Cassidy in the front, Desert noticed the vicious look that Gannon was giving Ranger, and he growled something she couldn't hear. Ranger retorted something in response, before Cassidy intervened. Desert shook her head as she sat down with the other betas. Ranger and Gannon fighting beside each other... Maybe this really is the end of the world.

Frost Pack eventually arrived, but Earth Pack did not. Evidently Cordan had chosen safety, which Desert could not entirely blame him for. She herself had spent the better part of her life trying to keep her packmates from dying in pointless battles. Although this particular situation would hardly be considered pointless, she nevertheless understood his reasoning.

At last their foes appeared, coming towards them like a dark cloud ready to blot out the sun. Desert was soon able to clearly discern Songan in the lead, the rays of the early morning sun glimmering off of his silver fur. "This is your last chance, dog-chieftains," he called across the grass. "Leave or die."

The alphas rose and stepped forward as one, their faces all hardened with defiance. "If leaving means you desecrate the land of our forefathers, then I choose death," Gannon spat.

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