Chapter One

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This will be a good day.

Desert had told herself that, over and over, for several days leading up to this, and even more the night before. She had repeated the thought so many times not because she was trying to convince herself, but because she was taking comfort in the thought that there could still be good days.

It had been a month since her brother, Draco, had banished Pawnee and redeclared war on Wind Pack. Everyone had fully accepted him as their alpha, and Desert had noticed many of the dogs were holding their heads higher than they had been previously. But they weren't any less hungry.

A loud bark sounded to gather everyone into the center of the clearing. The early morning sun was climbing over the treetops, making the frost on the branches sparkle. Normally winter should have been drawing to a close, but this one had been particularly vicious. The prey had become more and more scarce before winter had even started, and Desert had little hope that things were going to improve.

But she wasn't going to think about that today. Today would be a good day.

Draco stood before everyone now with his back to the overhang, his presence commanding in spite of his gaunt frame. "We are here today to welcome a new trainee into our ranks," he began. "I have complete confidence that she will serve her pack with her whole self, whether that be defending it from outside dangers, providing food, or healing its injuries. Minerva, daughter of Desert and Balder, please step forward."

Desert smiled. This was why it was a good day. Today her daughter, her little fighter, was going to become a trainee. Minerva's brother and sister hadn't survived the famine, and neither had her father, but she had held on despite the odds, and Desert could not have been prouder.

She stepped forward now in front of Draco, her dark face characteristically serious and solemn. Tansy, the preceptor, was now beside him also. He continued, "You have chosen the path of the defender. You will now spend your days learning and training to become the best you can be. Your father defended this pack with dedication, and your mother continues to. We trust that you will do the same."

Draco then stepped back and Tansy stretched out her short neck to touch her nose to Minvera's, although she had to stoop down in order for the Bulldog to reach. "May Siglitun's strength and courage be bestowed upon you that you may defend your pack from any dangers it faces, and may his blessings be on your training."

The surrounded dogs began to cheer, with Desert doing her best to be the loudest. Minerva wasn't one to broadcast her emotions, but Desert knew she was excited for her new rank. Any dog would have been excited to get out of the clearing and finally explore the forest for the first time.

As the cheers began to die down, Desert saw Minerva begin to turn away, but Draco suddenly began talking again. "This past winter is the worst we have faced in years. Minerva's brother and sister, Caerus and Skadi should have also become trainees today, but they were also stolen from us by this accursed famine. Nevertheless, I say to all of you again that Night Pack will not be defeated by this. We have many young dogs who will rise up and fight for their pack, dogs who will not let the mistakes of their parents define them."

Desert guessed this statement was directed towards Pawnee's sons, who were two months younger than Minerva. She had noticed that both they and their mother, Chloe, had refused to talk about Pawnee at all since his banishment. Desert couldn't guess whether it was because they missed him or resented him or both, but she remembered well how much Pawnee and Chloe had loved each other. Before this hunger took everything away from everyone.

"You are our hope and our future," Draco said, finishing. "So go and be who you're meant to be."

A few more dogs cheered, but otherwise the ceremony was over. Desert came up to Minerva and gave her an affectionate nuzzle. "Look at that, you're free," she said with a smile. "How does it feel?"

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