Scardy Cat

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Thiis chapter is dedicated to @eddiegirl11 for supporting me thru this book :P

i guess i was flicking through the T.V channels because I didn't notice until holly said

"Pick Something Already!"

"Ugh Here" I say just handing her the remote and walking to my room.

"Thank you, Dinner in 10" She says

"K" I say halfway up the stairs

I open my bedroom door and sit in my computer chair. I spin the chair around and around.


I stop the chair and stand up...a little too quickly. I fall over and land on the floor

Well I won't be doing that anymore

Twack Twack Twack

"What the.....?"

I stand up. ( slower this time)

I walk up to the window. That is definitely where it's coming from. I look out the window slowly...


"AHHHHH!" I scream

that was right on my face (even thought a window was between it....)

"Are you alright!?" Holly says from downstairs

"Yea there was uhh just a spider" I lie back

"alright Janelle" she says

I run to the window and pull it open and stick my head out

"What the hell!?" I say to whoever or whatever was there

"Told you'd there would be a next time" The voice said. It sounded vaguely familiar

The sense knocked back into me and I

it was Zale

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"Well I did say next time right, except there was only a window between this kill" he says

"Hey! that was right between my eyeballs! I'm done goodbye" I say starting to close the window

but quick as he is he hops throught the window before I can

I jump back "Stay away from me"

"I'm not gonna hurt you" he says approaching me

"Aha Yeah right, you were born to kill... Well judging from the 6 or 7 you actually have killed maybe it's just not the right thing for you" I say pulling a weak smile

"Sassy one you are" he snaps

"Well what can I say?" I smirk slowly moving towards my nightstand.

"C'mon now I promised Quinton I'd bring him a present home'' he says

I say noting but stare at him

"That reminds me, Got any rapping paper? He loves a good surprise" he says walking closer

"Sorry, All out" I say grabbing the knife from the nightstand and throwing it at him

"AH!" He yelps as it jabs his shoulder

He looks up at me and Shimmers away

"Scardy cat" I say

( For those of u who don't know shimmer is a way that dark demons and lords and vampires transport it's like they dissapear and ya :P)

"Janelle Supper!" holly yells from downstairs

"Good, I'm starving" i say to myself as I walk downstairs

"Smells Goood" I say pulling in my seat to the dining table

"Roast" holly says bringing it to the table

"Yumm" I say practically drooling, I was starving

I was half way into my meal when there's a knock at the door.

"Now who could that be"holly says

"I'll get it" I say walking towards the door

I Swing the door open and to my surprise there is... Nobody there. But something did catch my eye trails of blood from my door to the street.

"Hello?" I say

Loosing my train of thought I think was it Zale? But why would he randomly just knock on my door?

The person was definitely injured. Or it was a trap?

"Janelle close that door it's freezing!" She says snapping me back to reality

"sorry" I apologize Walking back to the table

"Who was it" She ask grabbing some more bread

"Nobody.." I say

"What do you mean nobody?" she says looking at me with concern

"I mean there was no one there..."

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