2 Shocks in 1

8 0 0

Alice is played by: Sarah Hyland


"You Guys really need to get a new job" I say to the dark hunter who conveniently Just showed up

"I like my Job.." He says

"Janelle...." Alice says pulling me in closer

"What is it" I say whispering

"That's the guy who chased after me!" she says

"Oh Really..?" I say looking up at him

I Push Alice Behind a bush so she isn't harmed....Again.

"Well it looks like you've meet one of us before..?" I say to the dark hunter

"Maybe I have...Maybe I haven't" he says

"Ok, Enought talk" I say walking towards him

"I agree" He says as he takes out and arrow and shoots it at me with his bow

I dodge it swiftly and roundhouse kick him in the side. He grabs the side of my foot and spins me to the ground

"You've be trained well" I say still on the ground

"Hm" he says

I Turn on my back quickly and kick him in the Yankydoodle.

"Oooooooo!" he says falling to his knees

"But not well enough" I say

I walk over to Alice

"Are you ok?" she asks

"Yea I'm fine, You need to go" I tell her

"But what about you?"

"I'll be fine"


"no buts"

"Janelle!" she screams

"No Alice" I say

"No Janelle WATCH OUT!" she says at me

but it was too late I was already pushed forcefully to the ground

"Ahh!" I hear Alice scream

"Leave her!" I say still unable to move

I feel him walk upto me. He lifts me and presses me up against the school wall and holds a knife to my neck.

" Let her go!" Alice says but he just ignores her

"Well, Maybe after I kill you I can get the other one" He says not taking and eye of me

I see the rage in Alice from the corner of my eye

"I guess I'll be first to see mommy" he says

that just killed me inside. He doesent have to jab that knife in me because those words...Those 8 words already killed me. That teared me apart. I can't even think.

"Don't ever come back here again"

That wasn't my voice....or the hunters, we both turn to see Alice up on her two feet with her hands in fists

"Excuse me" he says to Alice

"Leave. or I'll make you leave" she says dead serious. She was even scaring me

"Hahaha. You don't scare me little girl" he says laughing

Her eyebrows lower and she stares him right in the eye.

"Suit yourself" she says

She pulls her arm back and shoots it forward and a blue shock runs throughout his body. he drops. he wasn't dead but he was done

I back away from him and stare at Alice in total shock. And it seemed her expression was the same as mine

"Oh No" the dark hunter says as he looks up at Alice and shimmers away

I walk upto Alice. "WHAT WAS THAT" I say

"I..iii- don't know" she says stuttering

"You just shocked him....Humans can't

do that" I say in disbelief

"I don't know what came over me.." she says

"Ya well something definitely did" I say

"I'm sorry" she says

"Umm you saved my life, I don't know how but you did so Don't be apologizing" I say

She smiled

"Lets go figure this out" I say putting my arm around her...Slowly. I didn't know if the shock wore of or not

we walk back into the school trying to look as normal as possible. Even thought none of that was a slight bit normal.


"Quinton, I Bring news"

"What is it #2" Says Quinton

"Umm I think there is a new kind"

"What do you mean" Asks Quinton

"I think there is another vampire"

"WHAT?!" yells Quinton "HOW?''

"I went a-after her an-and I scratched her leg.."

"Did you kill her after?"

"She g-got a-away..."

"So now we have ANOTHER good vampire to kill?!"


"Making my job so much harder now?"

"No sir, I was just trying to-"

"Enough from you" Says Quinton




"Send in #3...."


Oooooo Another Vamp?!!!!!

what is #3 gonna dooooo?

Who noooos :D

It's a Snooow day so Ive been working on it!!

Please if u want to suggest any ideas Plz do!




and yayayayayyyayayauayayayuauayayayaya

Just for fun the song for this chapter is..........Electric By Shawn Desman :3


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