(1) Expertise

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Chapter 1


I zipped up the back of my red sleeveless dress and put on my black heels. I hooked a diamond necklace around my neck and a matching bracelet around my wrist. Both of which having lethal doses of poison disguised as diamonds. I had on a mask with someone else's face. I always loved stealing identities.

I looked at myself in the mirror once more before exiting the loft. I had on bold eyeliner and eye shadow, red lipstick, and blush. My long dark hair was held up by a silver cuff. I'm probably going to cut it off and dye it later. I was able to hide a small gun in my bra just in case the mission goes wrong. I'm not in the mood for sniping tonight so I'll settle for the fast working poison to take out my target this time. It's rare that I even go to events like this for a target. But I guess it's okay to take a break from sniper rifles every once in awhile.

I walked down to my car and drove to the benefit. Hopefully my target will make it out before the poison gets to his brain. It'd be a shame for all those people to see a man die on the dance floor.


A silent fifteen minutes later I was in front of the venue. My cover name would be Erica Swann. No one needs to know who I really am. I tossed my keys to a random guy. I can "borrow" a new car from one of these rich guys and forget to return it. It'd be of use on my next mission anyways.

I walked into the venue and into security. There were metal detectors, but I wasn't alarmed. I was smart enough to make sure my gun was undetectable. Security is pretty high for a beneficial event. I then noticed there were more outside. Who's so important that they need so many security guards? I walked into the room where everyone else seemed to be. A few glances around the room and I've found my target. Max Hilton. I also found the reason for so much security. Tony Stark. Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, and superhero. I wonder why Iron Man would need other people to protect him. I guess i've gotten onto someone's radar.

My plan was to get my target a drink and drop a poisoned diamond into it. It'll dissolve in the drink and he'll start feeling unwell. That's when the show begins. I made my way across the room. I mentally rolled my eyes at the men who did a double take at me. I may be gorgeous, but that type of reaction is not necessary. I made a quick glance around the room and made my way over to the target and grabbed two glasses of champagne from the tray the waiter had. I discreetly put a diamond in both of them. You can never be too careful. I put a smile on my face.

"Wow the Max Hilton?" I said in an impressed tone. Mr. Hilton turned and looked at me. I offered him a glass and he gladly took it. He looked the tiniest bit interested in me. Either he already has someone or he didn't swing for that team- I mean I am drop dead gorgeous right now. "I didn't think you'd come to an event like this." he looked at me questioningly.

"Sorry- My name is Erica Swann. I'm a big fan of your work. You must really have a heart, coming out to fund all of these healthcare centers." He looked at me warily before drinking some champagne. Mission complete. I continued babbling like some sort of star struck girl until it came time for speeches. A security man came and whispered something in his ear.

"Yes well, publicity calls," He said bluntly. I fought the urge to scowl. He had some nerve funding a healthcare center but then funding illegal drugs to get them into the country. Some people just don't make sense.

I remembered my mission and tried to recall how many times Hilton had taken sips of his champagne. It was probably about six times. The poison should make its way up to his brain in the middle of the speech. I clapped along with everyone else when he stepped up to the podium. I'm being watched and I know it. I smiled and let false excitement fill my face. The staring feeling went away, but now the clock was ticking. Less than five minutes and the man would be gasping for air before his lungs collapsed.

"Thank you," He started with a smile. Boy was that fake. I felt a presence beside me. I made sure to look relaxed and interested in his speech. I noticed the beads of sweat on his head and the stuttering of his words. Soon after his second sentence he collapsed. Time to go now. I moved through the shocked audience and went out the entrance with a horrified look on my face.

"Mr. Hilton! He collapsed!" I said frantically to the security. They ran into the ballroom and I walked out of the front door. My car was gone so I went and stole a different one. I made sure to find the most expensive. If the owner could afford a car like that they can surely buy another one.

I drove and parked two blocks away from my loft. If the car has a tracker I don't want to risk getting caught with it. I walked into the building going unnoticed by the people in the lobby. It wasn't too fancy or expensive so it was just right. I live in the penthouse of my building. And just to be clear yes, it's is my building. I own It. Sometimes doing those hit jobs pay off, but I'm not proud of it.

I walk into my penthouse from the elevator and greet my seriously shady black cat who seems to glare at me every time I get home late at night. I guess that like all us snappy females, both feline and female, we need our beauty sleep.

"Goodnight Jessie," I said scratching behind her ear. She purred and when I stopped she went back to glaring at me. I went into my bathroom and removed the mask I wore. I went into my bedroom and carefully took off my necklace. I put it in my lethal jewelry box along with the bracelet. I put my earrings in the non-lethal jewelry box. If I had mixed those up, I'd be in a lot of trouble on another mission.

I set up my security before making myself comfortable. I looked up at the beautiful night sky before slipping into something comfortable and closing my blinds before going to bed. Tomorrow I'll plan my next job. Then maybe go out for some hot chocolate.


For those of you who read Live my Darling it's back with a slightly different title and much revising!!!

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