Chappie 2

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"Marth, what the heck are you doing here?!"

"Don't ask me," I replied as snarkily as I could and rubbed my eyes, starting to wake up slowly... wait. Since when DID I fall asleep- oh, right, got knocked out. Gotchya.

But still... Something felt... different. Somehow. I dunno why.

Did my mind already established that this wasn't a dream anymore and started emitting some sort of anti-reactant hormones? Because, for some inexplicable reason, I'm not freaking out when I saw a lot of trees, like we're in a woods or forest or something- WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA WHOA PAUSE INSERT SKIDDING NOISE-


"What the heck are you talking about?!" The prince of Chalphy called out.

"YOU! CELICE! DUH!" And then my brain chose this moment to realize just how bad I was making the situation. "I-I mean... uh..."

"I'm not Seliph, if that's what you're asking! And how would YOU know about Seliph, huh?"

"Because... wait, huh?!" Okay, I am now thoroughly confused. WHAT. THE FLIPPIN'. FUDGE. CAKES. IS. GOING. ON. "How are you not Celice? You look exactly as how he would look like-"

"Okay, at this point, you can't possibly be Marth, seeing that he would not know about Seliph AT. ALL." He threw up his hands towards the sky and began to walk away.

"Well, of course I'm not Marth! Isn't that obvious enough?! For one, I have black hair and he has blue..." I looked at my really short blue hair. "Hair..." I trailed off. "Okay, what is going on?"

"I don't know, you tell me!" Celice yelled back at me.

Was he ever known for screaming, anyways? Huh.

"Wait. What's your name, and what grade-level are you in?"

"I'm Dane, and I'm going to be a freshman. Where are you going off with this?"

Oh, dear Lord, this is NOT going to go well.

"Dane, I'm known to you as Kat, and I'm going to be a freshman as well this fall. Does this clarify anything?"

Celice-AHEM Dane blinked slowly at me before finally replying, "No wonder my head feels heavier."

I groaned and was about to throw my hands up into the sky in exasperation when I freezed. "Wait... if I'm Marth... does that..." I had no idea if I was blushing or not, but within the next two seconds I kicked Dane out of the general area and checked myself to see... yeah...

Oh no...

"GOD FREAKING DANGIT WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO MEEEEEEEE???!!!" I yelled out loud into the sky, then slumped down and laid into a fetal position, hugging my knees.

Dane peeked out from behind the tree, and seeing that I was decent, walked over. "Yeah?"

"So?" I mumbled dejectedly.


"I am officially a man. A fourteen-year-old male."


"You don't say?" I sighed. "Well? Who's gonna get out there and find out what's going on with the world? Actually, you do it. You're less-known." I nodded towards his rapier. "Use that rapier of yours to cut your hair or something, take off the fancy stuff, and I think you'll be fine."

"Huh. Good point. What's the shopping list?"

"'Normal' clothes for the two of us and cloaks, a razor to cut our hair, just secretly sell the fancy-schamncy stuff or something, I don't know... the remaining money can be used for a meal and how many rooms in an inn we can afford. That is, if we even have money on ourselves..."

Dane dug into his pockets and came back out with a very full-looking pouch of coins. "I have a fat wallet. You?"

I searched my pocket for money as well, and to my luck, I had a fat wallet as well. "I have some too." I began taking off my armor, cape, and tiara, and gave it to my partner-in-crime. If this was a crime. I think it's not, but it still sounds cool anyways, so shaddup!

"Wait, why am I doing this again?!"

"Because I said so. Now, go!" And to emphasis that fact, I climbed up a tree and childishly stuck out a tongue at him. Dane glared at me, then sighed and walked away towards the town.

After an hour of so of boredom, he came back with still a full pouch and the required materials. "Yes!" I jumped back down and immediately grabbed the clothes, chaning out into them within a minute. Dane simply looked at me with astonishment. "What..." He shrugged and did the same.

The next order of business was to cut our hair using the razor. Yes, I am going to cut my hair. Not like I object; my old hair was even shorter than Marth's hair, not to mention its more predominant masculinity.

I let Dane use the razor first. It was easy enough for him, just cutting off his ponytail... until it got to his bangs. And side-burns thingies. He absolutely refused to cut them.

I let him. It would be funny to see him walking around looking idiotic.

I carefully trimmed my hair to the right length, then handed the razor back to Dane. "Alright. Set to go?"

He responded by throwing a cloak at my face. "Here. Now, let's go and sleep and figure out everything in the morning. I don't look too much exactly like Seliph, but dang... even with your, ahem, haircut, you still look like Marth's twin."

"Ha. Ha ha ha," I sarcastically replied, putting the cloak on and draping the hood over my head.. "As if I wouldn't know."

We moved swiftly and quietly through the town, dodging any contact with people until we reached our rooms. "Thanks, Dane. Good night."

And with that, I closed the door.

And that was our first day.

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