Chapter two

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Diagon alley

" I'm Malfoy- Draco Malfoy, And who might you be?"

A trip to Diagon Alley was something I've gone through many times however I was excited to shop for new school supplies even though I don't really want to change school. Soon i had finished purchasing all the books needed, school supplies and all the clothing necessary such as my plain black robes, plain pointed hat, protective gloves, winter cloak etc. Ollivander had set me up with a new wand , a 13 inch with dragon heartstring core . Now I was very excited as now comes the part i was most looking forward to .

I ran to the shop 'Eeylops Owl Emporium' at Beauxbatons we weren't allowed to have pets so of course I was thrilled to find out I was allowed to bring a pet along with me to Hogwarts. The second I saw the letter stating that I was allowed to bring either a cat or a owl or a toad I had already made my mind up.

Mother had left me at Eeylops to choose a pet whilst she went to Potages Cauldron shop to get me my cauldron.

I was having a really hard time deciding which owl I should get . I finally decided to get a Great Horned Owl. As I joined the queue , I noticed a blonde boy who was only a little bit taller than me. He appeared to be arguing with the owl shop owner.

" My father will hear about this, I came here to get the Eagle owl not some other load of rubbish!" The boy said. The owner looked offended but simply nodded and went to find the brat an eagle owl. He turned around and glared at me.

" What you looking at, turn around." he yelled. I took one good at the blonde headed boy, pale skin and blue eyes. I recognised him from the papers. Him and his family were know for being one of the top 10 wealthy families and they were incredibly devoted to Voldemort. " You're the one that needs to turn around." I answered back .

He stared wondering who I was after all no one dares to answer back to him, or so he thought. " Do you not know who I am?" He seemed pissed of . " Of course I do , your a spoilt little brat that needs his father to deal with everything."

He ignored me and said " I'm Malfoy- Draco Malfoy , And who might you be?" " I'm y/n Williams." I said while seeing his annoyed face turn to a puzzled look. " Williams? The Williams never had a daughter."

" That's because I'm - I'm adopted..." He started laughing . " Who would want to adopt you?" That's when my temper got the better of me. " Shut up you git, I don't remember asking for your opinion !" I yelled. Draco was about to say something when the owner returned and gave him his owl. He glanced at me and left not bothering to say thank you to the owner.

Mother came and collected me and I headed to home happily with my new owl Hermes perched on my shoulder. I soon forgot about Draco.

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