Part 15

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"Security cameras?" he questioned, "no, your just bluffing! Plus, even if you did, you wouldn't even attempt to report me."
"Are you sure about that?" You asked with a smirk on your face
"I've never been more sure in my life Shorty."
"Don't call me that anymore, I'm short you're just tall!" You slapped his face
"Hah! You wish you weren't short, I hate to break the news to you, but you are, shorty" He smiled, holding his cheek, where you slapped him.
"Anyways, I should be going now." He said going in for a kiss. You pushed him away.
"Then leave now!" You stated raising voice
"If you say so shorty, but I know you're going to miss me" He chuckled, turning around and walking away.
You ran inside to get the footage. You checked all of the cameras footage and audio. You made sure all the audio was clear, so you could hear him admit everything.
Once you had done everything, you cheered, doing a little dance. You rushed to the police station, with the footage.
"Good evening!" The secretary greeted you, "How may I help you today?"
"I have evidence against Kuroo Tetsurou!" You said, "I would like to show someone it!"
"Of course!" The secretary typed something into the computer, "May I ask what he did?"
"He hired a hit man, I have him admitting it on this tape." You told them.
"Ok, I can get someone to look at it over night." They said, "Is that okay?"
"Yes, and thank you!" You smiled giving them the tape.
"No problem!" They said.
You ran back to your house, and then straight up to your room. You grabbed your phone, and facetimed Yaku.
You told him everything that happened, he didn't seem to shocked. He said that he kinda expected it.
After that conversation you guys talked about him and Lev.
"I have exciting news!" Said Yaku

Player 2 (KenmaxReader) Where stories live. Discover now