The First Kiss

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Yaku had winked and left you with Kenma. You looked at Kenma.
"so, I guess I get to walk you home?" He had asked
"yea, you do" you said smiling
"your smiles still as cute as ever," he'd told me while grabbing my hand, "let's go."
You and him had been flustered. You and Kenma had not made much conversation. He had walked you home, no longer flustered, he let go off your hand.
"Thank you." you had said
He nodded and cupped your cheeks kissing you. Before you could say anything he had ran off. You were in shock and your face was completely pink. You ran inside not showing your parents your face. You pummeled on your bed grabbing your phone, and immediately texted Yaku what happened. He seemed to be as in much shock as you were. He facetimed you and had told him what had happened. He was happy for you and Kenma, and told you that you should tell him how you feel. You told him you were scared, not of Kenma, but of what Kuroo would do to Kenma. Yaku said it was understandable.
You guys had lost track of timeYou and Yaku had been on facetime until about midnight. He said he had to tell you something, but completely panicked because you saw the time, and asked if he could tell you tomorrow. He said it was fine, and you hung up falling asleep.
The next morning you were ecstatic to Kenma, but only Kuroo was there waiting for you outside. "Where's Kenma" you wondered. You got lost in your thoughts about where he could be.
Kuroo had noticed, "whatcha thinking shortie?"
"Oh just where Kenma is" You said, not realizing who you were talking to.
"Get that Little shit out of your mind!" He had yelled, "It doesn't matter! Do you really think he cares about you? All he cares about is his stupid video games!"
You had gotten frightened Kuroo had not noticed what he said had hurt you.
"Sorry," He said. He walked off to school leaving you alone.
The rest of the day was normal, but one thing was wrong. Kenma had not shown up. "I hope he's ok." You thought, "What could've happened? He's probably sick"
After the day finished you had walked to practice. In the gym Yaku walked over to you
"Hey, Y/N!" He said, "Where's Kenma?"
"I'm not sure, he didn't come today," you had told Yaku, "I'm really worried about him."
"Oh, did you try texting him?" He asked
You nodded, "I texted him goodnight last night, no response. This morning i texted him too, still nothing."
"I'll walk you over to his house after practice then, how's that sound?" He asked
"I guess" You said, then a thought popped into your mind, "What'd you have to tell me last night?"
"Oh, well its just, I like Lev." Yaku said, "I'm not really sure if he's into guys though.."
"Oh, well I'll help you figure that out!" You said.
Coach Nekomata started practice. You couldn't admire Kenma today, so you just sat back and watched all the boys play.  Again Kuroo had walked to you after practice.
"Am i gonna have to lecture you about talking to Yaku now too?" He said
"No! I swear you're not! He's my friend!" You said, frightened.
"Don't talk to him!" He said and walked off.
Yaku realized that you guys would have to be sneaky if he needed to walk you to Kenma's.
The coach had asked Kuroo and Yamamoto to stay in clean. Yaku had walked out before you, so Kuroo didn't think anything of it. You walked out, and Yaku waited for you.
He had walked you to Kenma's.
"See ya Y/N!" He said and ran off.
You walked to his front doorstep, and knocked. His parents opened the door, and you greeted them.
"Oh, your Kenma's friend," His mother said, "We have some awful news.."

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