Christmas Special

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It was Christmas Eve, you and Kenma were cuddling on the couch watching a christmas movie. You and him had both seen it 1,000 times, but you both enjoyed it. After the movie had ended he had gotten up.
He had gotten his Minecraft advent calendar, that had socks in it instead of the usual chocolate.
"Time to open the last one," he said. He punched the cardboard, and pulled out grey socks that had diamond tools scattered all over them, "cool. You like them, baby?"
"Yea," you said letting out a yawn. Kenma looked over at you, and smiled. He picked you up and carried you into bed. He then rested his head upon your chest. You gave his forehead a kiss, then fell asleep.

You awoke up the next morning, and Kenma was already awake. There was this strong smell of burning throughout the house, you then got up and found him in the kitchen making pancakes..
"Why does it smell like burning?" You asked
"I burnt some, no most, of them," he muttered. You shook your head.
"Maybe I should make breakfast," you suggested.
He shook his head, "no kitten. I got it."
You let out a sigh. "If you say so," you went in the living room and sat on the couch. You kept hearing Kenma sigh every now and then, and got back up to check on him.
"What's wrong?" You asked him
"I keep burning them." He muttered again. You sighed.
"How about we get cereal?" You suggested. Kenma looked up at you and nodded. You turned off the stove, and he got out 2bowls out. You poured the cereal into the bowls and got out the milk. You guys finished your cereal and went to the tree, with a few presents for friends and family.
You reached under and gave Kenma his present. He smiled and sat on the couch, opening it. It was a new gaming console that recently came out. "Woah, thanks babe!" He looked at you and smiled, "I didn't get you anything, but I do wanna walk you to this place."
"That's fine!" you said, grabbing your coat, "let's go!"
Kenma stood up, and put his present in his office. He grabbed his coat, and then your hand. You guys walked out.
"Here, get on my back. I want it to be a surprise." He said. You got on his back and he began walking. You kept your eyes closed the entire time.
"Ok, we're here. Don't open your eyes yet." He said, he put you down slowly. Then after about 30 seconds he said, "Ok open."
You opened your eyes, and Kenma was on his knee with a ring. You felt yourself start to tear up.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" He asked
"Yes!" You said, and you felt a million tears run down your cheeks. You put your hand out, and he put the ring on your finger. He then stood up and hugged you, giving your cheeks kisses.
He then picked you up and carried you back home.
Once home you were no longer crying. You looked at your ring, and it was the shape of a frog, and the eyes were made of diamonds.
"This is amazing." You said, as Kenma laid you on the couch.
"Heh, I thought you'd like it." He said, and gave your forehead a kiss. Kenma got his new console set up.
"wanna play with me?" He asked, holding out a controller. You gave a nod, and sat up. He handed you the controller, and he bought a game. You guys waited for it download.

After about 5minutes the game was downloaded, and you guys played together. He taught you how to play, the controls were quite simple.
"X is jump. R2 is attack and break. L2 is eat and place." He said. You already knew how to walk and look around, that was simple.

You guys played for a good 2hours, and completed the game.
"Whatever you do don't touch the egg." Kenma said, "It won't break like a normal block."
"Oops.." You said.
"It's fine," He said, "Put a torch under it, and it'll break."
After about 5minutes of sturggling you figured it out.
"I did it!" You cheered
"Good job!" he smiled
Kenma checked the time, 12:56.
"It's almost 1." Kenma said, "What time do we have to be at your parents house?"
"Shit, we should get ready soon." You said, "we need to be there at 1:45."
"ahh, ok." He said, and put on some music.
You got up, and got an out fit ready. It consisted of white plaid pants, which you cropped. With a plain red sweater, along with with some grey boots.

"You look amazing!" Kenma said, and went over to give you a kiss. Unlike you Kenma just put on a ugly Christmas sweater. You guys went out, and drove to your parents house. Kenma's parents we're also there.

You and Kenma had both gotten gifts you needed, well Kenma's was more of a want, because he got another new gaming console. You had eaten lunch that your guys' parents had prepared, and played a lot of games. Then before you and Kenma went home, you watched s Christmas movie.

After all that you guys had finally made it home. Kenma helped bring in all the gifts, then after he got on hid video games. But you wanted attention. You sat on Kenma's lap, and he gave you a kiss on the cheek. You started pouting, because you wanted more attention. Then you had an idea, you leaned in and kissed him, one kiss turned into a make out session. Kenma took off his head set, and picked you up carrying you to the bed. He started leaving hickeys on your neck, and you stripped off his shirt. I'm sure you can guess what happened afterwards. :)

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone enjoyed the Christmas special. Once again thanks for all the support. I'm also writing an Iwa x Reader if you would like to read that. But yea thats all! :) <3

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