Chapter 2

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After the initial shock of your partner wore off, you decided spending the semester partnered with Park Jimin was, indeed, the dark sentence it appeared to be at first glance.

Jimin wasn't happy with the situation either; that much became clear when Mr. Vlad said your name and Jimin instantly stiffened. You'd turned slowly to face him, your mind going fuzzy as you met his blank gaze.

The first two weeks of the semester had been spent wondering if this was some kind of cruel, cosmic joke. Maybe you'd been a terrible person in a past life and this was your bitter reward. If so, Jimin must have pissed someone off too, since he seemed equally perturbed by your new relationship.

Waiting in line at the water fountain, you checked the time once again and exhaled. Ballet began in five minutes and Miss Britt employed the same lateness tolerance policy as Mr. Vlad. Really, it was a blanket expectation by all the teachers at Russet. If you arrived after the door shut, you weren't allowed in – and god forbid you missed a step the next week during barre. Motivated to avoid this, you'd arrived fifteen minutes early every day since classes started – it was hardest for 8:00 AM ballet, but that couldn't be helped.

Once your water bottle was full, you screwed on the cap and hustled into the room with three minutes to spare. Miss Britt stood at the front beside the live pianist. She insisted on using one for all her classes, saying it was good practice for when you'd dance with an orchestra.

Arms crossed, she surveyed each student as they entered, and you hastened to stand beside Noelle at the bar. Placing your water bottle on the floor, you began to roll your neck and warm up your feet.

From across the room, you heard Jimin laugh and turned towards him on reflex – only to find him standing next to Sabrina.

Uncertain, you froze. You hadn't made it a habit to follow Jimin's movements, or even to learn more about him since you arrived at Russet. You saw him in class and occasionally on the weekends but had made it a point to keep your friend groups separate. As a result, you really had no idea what Jimin had been up to so far.

It seemed the answer to that was cozying up to the enemy. Since that first night in Grace Hall, Sabrina had proven herself to be as unpleasant as you'd originally thought. You'd mostly tried to steer clear of her path, but again, this was hard to achieve in a class of eighty students.

While you watched, Jimin laughed again and Sabrina smiled. She looked almost pleasant and in response to this, your eyes narrowed.

Objectively, you didn't want Jimin as your dance partner, but he'd been assigned. It'd be incredibly embarrassing if he asked to switch partners midway through the semester. Everyone would know then that it was because of you and you'd have no other options when the New Year rolled around.

Faculty clarified the partner situation with you by the end of the first week. Apparently, only your first ballet partner at Russet was assigned. This was done on purpose, in order to get you used to working with new people, but you'd be allowed to choose your own partner starting January 1st. This was the only reason you hadn't immediately marched to the front office and demanded a change. Clearly, this was a test of partnership. Jimin might be the devil himself, but he hadn't asked to switch partners and you'd be damned if you gave in before he did.

On the opposite side of the room, Jimin smiled and you scowled, wondering what Sabrina could possibly be saying that he found so funny. In the two weeks you'd known her, Sabrina had yet to utter a joke in your presence. Suspicion clouded your judgement, since it was no secret amongst the class that Sabrina's ballet partner wasn't as talented as she was.

The idea that she might be after Jimin entered your mind as you stared. While you didn't want to be Jimin's partner, you also didn't want Sabrina to be Jimin's partner.

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