Chapter 3

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It was nearly eleven when you returned to your room later that night, collapsing on your bed in a disgruntled heap. You barely had enough energy to change out of your clothes and shower, though you forced yourself to do so, if only for the sake of appearances.

Noelle was already asleep, so she didn't have the presence of mind to grill you, but her questions came as soon as you woke up the next morning. Seated at a table in the coffee shop on the corner, you opened your yogurt and spilled your frustrations.

"So, that's where I am," you said, shaking your head when you reached the end of the story. "Miss Britt pulled me aside and I need to find someone to tutor me, fast. Fun times."

"That's bullshit." Noelle looked outraged. "You're clearly one of the best dancers at Russet! It's why Sabrina has such a problem with you. She knows you're competition."

"Thanks," you said, a bit glum. "But Miss Britt is right – I'm no ballerina. I need more practice if I want to catch up to the rest of class."

"But you don't even want to be in Russet's ballet company! You're a talented dancer outside of that specific genre."

"True. But if I can't make it through freshman year, that doesn't really matter – does it?"

Noelle fell silent for a moment, not having a response as you sighed.

"It's not like I expect you to have a solution," you admitted. Scooping another bite of yogurt from your parfait, you shoved this in your mouth. "It's my problem to figure out."

Noelle leaned back. "Maybe you should take Miss Britt's suggestion," she said.

You gave Noelle a look of such open disgust, she had to laugh.

"I'm serious!" She grinned, taking a sip of her coffee. "Obviously, Sabrina's the worst, but you could ask Jimin. Is he really as bad as you say?"

"That all depends," you mused. "Is Satan as bad as they say?"

"Never met him, so I can't be sure."

"Well, I have met Jimin and can definitively say he's the worst. If I went to him for help, I'd never hear the end of it."

"Hm." Noelle sounded skeptical to you; she clearly thought you were exaggerating, but this was one subject on which you were unwilling to budge. "Maybe you can ask someone else, then. An older student? Oo – you could ask Seokjin! He's so hot."

Perked up by this idea, you casually stirred your coffee. "You know what, that's not a bad idea. He's super talented and clearly knows what the teachers are looking for."

"See!" Noelle set down her fork. "You have plenty of options."

"You might be right," you said with a smile.

Feeling marginally better about the whole situation, you pulled out your phone to search Russet's website for Seokjin. All the teacher's assistants had a web page where they offered private lessons, much like Miss Britt and other teachers. Unfortunately for you though, all of Seokjin's slots were full.

This seemed to be the case with most upperclassmen and you sighed, standing from the table to clear your place. Discouraged by this, you threw your phone in your bag while you left the shop. Noelle began suggesting other students she knew while you walked to class, but you had already begun to fixate on what was probably a terrible idea.

The more you thought about it, the more you realized Miss Britt's initial suggestion made sense. Sabrina was frustrating, but she knew all the teachers and had the most training of your class in classical ballet. True, you hadn't gotten off to the best start, but you'd played a part in that, too. The first night you met, you didn't have to be a dick to her.

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