landing in equestria

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Just on the edge of the milky way galaxy where on earth it is the year 2199 and the human race is facing exstition by a alien race known as the gamalons their home planet is the planet gamilas in the large mangelantic cloud in that same galaxy holds earths salvation on the planet iskandar and a very special space battleship named the yamato is on its way to iskandar but they are battling the gamalons near the planet balun (I'm not sure if I spelt it right) they went through a space warp gate hoping it would bring them closer to iskandar but they got sent to a different universe that is a lot like the milky way galaxy
On the yamato:

Shima: captain it seems we are off course

Captain okita: Yuki what does the navigation say on where we are
Yuki: it says that were in the milky way galaxy but yet we are not

Sanada: captain it may be that we are in a parallel universe

Kodai: like when we got stuck in that dimensional fault?

Sanada: exactly so we need to figure out where we are and how to get back to our universe

Analyzer: I detected a earth like planet 2000 megameters away from our current position

Captain okita: shima land there and be sure to keep us away from any gamalons if there are any

Shima: yes sir

In equestria twilight sparkle is not sure of her alicorn wings and is still getting used to being a princess and she is helping applejack picking apples in sweet apple acres

AJ : thanks a lot twilight for helping me and big mac out it means a lot

TS: no problem applejack I'm glad to help you out

RD: *comes flying up to the both of them* twilight me and a few other pegisi have seen a flying black stick in the sky with fire behind it

TS: rainbow dash what are you talking about?

*rainbow dash points with her hoof in the direction*

TS: I don't see anything let's go to the library and use the telescope *she teleports to the library and looks through the telescope and gasps as she sees the yamato

(This is what twilight sparkle sees)

(This is what twilight sparkle sees)

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TS: its a space ship I think

Pinky: *comes bouncing up in her happy voice as usual* do yo think they are friendly? Do they like parties? I wonder what their parties are like? I hope they are fun

TS: um I see cannons on the top of the ship and they don't look to be like they party cannons you have pinkie pie

On the yamato

Shima: this is weird everything is neon colored analyzer you sure this planet is safe for humans?

Analyzer: yes this planet is safe for humans but I do detect horse like lifeforms

Captain okita: Yuki do you detect any gamalons?

Yuki: negative sir

Shima: captain where should we land without them thinking we are a threat?

Captain okita: pull up map of the land on main screen

*they pull up

Captain okita: land on that empty field between the railroad and the town there

Shima: yes sir

Back on the ground fluttershy is getting scared cause of the rumbling of the yamato lowering and twilight sparkle is writing a Letter to princess celestia and princess Luna about the ship and they could see it

Princess Luna: dear sister let us go to see about this space ship

Princess Celestia: yes

*they go to ponyvill and see about the space ship there mean while as the yamato lands twilight sparkle and her friends gather near it but not wanting to get to close and fluttershy is shaking and is hiding behind twilight sparkle a little*

space battleship yamato in equestriaWhere stories live. Discover now