landing in equestria part 2

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*as the yamato lands a door opens and a long stair case comes out zig zaging down the side of the ship and at the top is standing shima, sanada, kodai, Yuki, analizer and captain okita*

*princess celestia and princess Luna appear in front of the mane 6 and spike and they are not sure if they should trust these visitors with this weird ship*

TS: I'm going to meet these new creatures

Princess celestia: be careful they might be changlings

TS: I will *she goes up the stairs to the top of the ship and the rest of the mane 6 follow*

*a short time later they get up to where kodai  and captain okita and the others are waiting*

Captain okita: we mean no harm we are just wondering where we are and I'm captain okita

Kodai: I'm kodai  I'm chief of tactical

Yuki: I'm Yuki navigation officer

Sanada: I'm sanada XO of the yamato

Shima: im shima I'm the pilot of the ship

*in a robotic voice* analizer: I am analizer a highly advance robot

TS: I'm twilight sparkle princess of magic your in equestria

RD: I'm rainbow dash the fastest pony in equestria

Pinky: I'm pinkie pie I love to party what are your parties like? Where are you from?

Fluttershy: I....I'm fl.....fluttershy

AJ : howdy I'm applejack

Rarity: I'm rarity *she looks at the uniforms of the yamato crew but decided not to question it but she wants to make it look better*

TS: please follow us we will take yiu to princess Luna and princess celestia *captain okita nods and they follow the ponies down to the ground*

*on the ground*

Princess celestia: welcome to equestria I'm princess celestia and this is my sister princess Luna and we are the rulers of equestria Captain okita: its nice to meet you I'm captain okita captain of the yamato

TS: if you don't mine me asking what happened yiur ship looks badly damaged

Kodai: we were in a battle against the gamalons to save our home from destruction

Shima: then we went though a warp gate but instead of going to the large mangulatic cloud galaxy we ended up in your galaxy and we aren't sure how to get back

Princess Luna: we can help you repair your ship

Captain okita: we would appreseate it a lot and we have all the material needed

Princess celestia: good

Captain okita: Kodai take twilight sparkle and give her a tour of the ship

Princess celestia: yeah I like that and captain okita can me and my sister talk to you in yiur quarters?

Captain okita: of course

*Kodai take twilight sparkle to a long tour of the ship and captain okita takes the princesses to talk for a while and the others talk as well and twilight asks Kodai what the yamato runs on*

Kodai: it actually takes paricals from other dimensions and it makes a infinite power source

TS: oh what about the big whole in the front of the ship?

Kodai: that's the wave motion gun its sort of the same as the wave motion engine I told you about but it turns the particles to a large amount of energy and creates a large beam of energy

TS: interesting

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