Through His Eyes... (#2)

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Entanglement ( Part 2 )


Through His Eyes...

That same morning... Deep within the heart of "Vampire Territory"... A rustic Victorian-Styled mansion creaked against the wind. Blackout curtains covered the windows, keeping the harsh rays of the rising sun at bay. The annoying ringing of an old-fashioned alarm clock stirred a vampire from his slumber...
Glowing golden eyes pierced the shadows of the bedroom, framed by seemingly permanent dark circles, the figure rising from a mess of blankets. The sheets slowly slipped away from his body, revealing a long yet thinning figure, the lines of his ribcage on display.
Nicolai was his name. His upturned bat-snout, his cracked and discolored skin, his mouth full of jagged fangs... Akin to a serrated blade... All of these qualities, and more, formed a rather terrifying vampire. 
He did not consider himself attractive by any means... And several others would agree. He was labeled an "Ugly" after all... A nickname for their twisted and ill-formed kindred. Still, as much as he would have preferred to remain hidden in the shadows of his bedroom, Nicolai was forced to attend High School...

He yanked himself up and onto his feet, fully displaying his tall and lanky build. Clawed fingers brushed through his unkempt hair... Every feature about him seemed to contribute to his disheveled appearance. He dressed himself with the most lazy and unenthusiastic of movements... Slipping into his usual array of baggy clothing, black in color, of course.
 A cracked mirror hung upon a nearby wall... Large chunks of glass missing from the frame. Not that it mattered - His reflection was already beginning to fade... He gazed upon a blurred and distorted vision of himself...
When he finally reached the age of his immortality... He would be able to see nothing sept for his glowing eyes within the reflection... Of course, he could always obtain a modern mirror, imbued with magic to display his image despite his thinning soul. Yet he seemed to torment himself to the notion that he was growing into a monster... Even amongst his own kind...


Descending the staircase of the manor, Nicolai eventually made his way towards the kitchen... Sitting at the island counter was yet another vampire, this one female, and gorgeous enough to inspire awe. Flawless and pale skin contrasted against ebony waves. She turned her gaze towards Nicolai with a condescending smirk. "Nico... Honestly... Did you even TRY this morning...?" She questioned, referring to his sloppy manner of dress, as she took a slow sip from her mug of crimson liquid. 
Her name was Natalia. She was an elder sister to Nicolai, though one would never be able to assume, judging by the incredible difference in their appearance. 
"Tch-" Nicolai scoffed in her direction as he hurried himself into his shoes. "Like it matters..."
Natalia would roll her eyes at his reply, obviously the type to care quite a bit about ones beauty. She watched as her brother rushed for the door, only to call out to him once more, halting him in his attempt at escape. "Aren't you forgetting something...?"
Nicolai's shoulders would slump, frustration blatant in his expression. He reached along the wall beside the door, plucking himself an umbrella that was hanging upon a set of hooks. As a vampire, the sunlight would burn and blister his skin if he remained exposed for too long. The shade that the umbrella would provide would at least make the journey to school somewhat tolerable...
With another aggravated grunt- Nicolai was finally taking his leave of the mansion...

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