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When she'd look my way, I was always confused. What does she want to say? All I could see is a frightened, frail girl. Do others notice? She's not saying anything to her so-called-friends, I hope.

"Let's go, babe?" her boyfriend fetched her again after the last period. I looked around. Everyone had smiles on their faces, they almost looked happy for them.

I saw her smile towards him. Another one of her bright smiles.

Does he take the pain away? Is he the one helping her to still smile like that? Did he save her from the darkness she should've been placed in now?

She waved goodbye to her friends and smiled to everyone before leaving the room, hand-in-hand with her boyfriend.

She took a last glance at me—her eyes pleading. Almost as if she's tired. As if she's losing hope.

That's it. That's how you should feel.

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