{ Chapter One }

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The Lost and Found

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Changing cells was always one of the best experiences for SCP - Unnumbered. It was nice to be able to go on a long walk with a guard while making conversation. The white walls reminded SCP - Unnumbered of the hospital she went to before being taken here. Except, she had only seen a few doctors and only one every smiled at her.

SCP - Unnumbered was enjoying her walk, the cuffs on her wrists were looser than usual and she didn't have a weighted ball chain around her ankle. Of course, the SCP knew why she didn't have the ball and chain. The scraping noise, from her last trip, made her fall to the ground and have a seizure. If she hadn't been proven immortal, she most likely would've died.

Unfortunately, for SCP - Unnumbered, the guard that had been assigned to her seemed to lack the ability to communicate. The mean woman electrocuted her for no reason every 10 seconds. She was only walking beside her and trying to start a conversation. SCP - Unnumbered was starting to get angry, slowly losing her cool. Her body began to tremble as they stopped in front of her new cells open door.

The guard began to panic and slowly helped SCP - Unnumbered onto the ground. The SCP began to go into a seizure, or so it seemed. The guard placed her arms over the SCP trying to keep her body steady, while also trying to grab her walkie to call for help. SCP - Unnumbered began to grin widely, grabbing onto the guard's arm and beginning her change.

Slowly, the SCP's (s/c) skin turn a dark caramel, and her (h/l) (h/c) hair turned short and blue. Her clothes turned into the guard's clothes. After the SCP's change, the guard fainted. SCP - Unnumbered giggled and put the guard into her cell, relinquishing herself of the handcuffs in the process.

After the SCP's efforts, she turned the guard into an image of herself. Unfortunately, the only key detail one might miss, was the eyes. The eyes always remained the same. On her victims and on herself. So despite having the appearance of this awful guard, her eyes were still the shining (e/c) they've always been. The SCP removed the guards helmet and decided she'd hold onto it.

SCP - Unnumbered left the cell and locked the guard inside. She smiled and wiggled the helmet onto her new head and began to walk off. The SCP copied the behavior of the guard she had stolen the identity of. She kept her back straight and tried her best not to smile. At least, she kept up the act whilst passing guards.

However, when SCP - Unnumbered was out of the guards vision, she skipped and danced along, singing tunes and made up songs that would confuse the most insane people. A few D-class members of the facility would come visit her and listen to her songs and watch her play; they only truly participated when they were locked inside the glass enclosure with her. Of course, she was always sure to take good care of them.

"I fell in love in New York! A man stabbed me in the heart and said I looked beautiful covered in blood!" The SCP sang the unsettling tune in such a happy go lucky voice that it made the craziest of men shiver. "In love in New York covered in his blood!"

A chorus of whistles followed her tune as she continued throughout the halls. Surprisingly, they were empty. This was rare, due to the higher object classes in this certain facility. It was slightly unsettling to the SCP, but she allowed it to slip her mind. SCP - Unnumbered dropped her guard with the note that there wasn't anyone around.

"He kissed my wound and gouged out his and placed it in my hand! He proclaimed his love and fired a gun, his love was a confetti of blood!" She continued, doing a cartwheel, though, she found her new form not very capable of doing so and huffed angrily. The SCP began to pout and threw the helmet down the hall. She crossed her arms and growled, anomalistically. "His ghost said he hated me. Would've decapitated me. But instead he blew off his head!"

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