{ Chapter Two }

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The SCP File

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The guards stood in front of the brothers cells, to prevent another incident with another SCP from happening. Conversation went on between the guards as per usual, none of them had witnessed the incidents, only hearing rumors of what happened at the water cooler. One of the guards there was a creep and kept talking about how pretty the SCP was.

"Keep yer' mouth shut, you fuckin' creep. She's not some chic you can fuck, she's a thing for this shady place for them to manipulate. I'm certain they don't want yer' nasty hands on her unless they're restraining her in cases of disobedience." An older gentleman growled at the younger guard. He had dark brown hair that was graying from his older age.

"What's your problem man? I'm sure a guy like you ain't getting any pussy at your age. Wouldn't you like to fuck her?" The younger man asked with a scoff. The old man rolled his eyes and growled.

"That girl was 14 when she came here. She is mentally unstable and doesn't need anymore damage done to her." The elder man growled at him. His grasp tightening on his weapon.

"Ok ok! Calm down Carter, I'll stop talking about it." The younger man scoffed, sounding disappointed and frightened. Silence followed, the other guards scared to speak up in the case of another act of aggression from the older man. Though, like every facility, it didn't stay quiet for very long.

The echoing sound of thundering footsteps drew closer. The sound of heels clanking down onto the floor echoed and scratched. Sharp breathing was heard from down the hall. Slowly, the noises grew louder, the person moving closer. Then the footsteps multiplied. These shoes sounded more like boots, however. Indecipherable shouting was heard, but all stayed frozen.

Soon a dozen figures appeared from the hall. The one in the front a blur of red, another a blur of white, and the rest, blues of black. Suddenly, the woman in red sped right past the guards before getting tackled by one of the black figures. She began to shout and struggle. The doctor caught up and panted, raising a hand for the other men to stop running.

"My baby! I want to see my baby!" The woman cried, her makeup now staining her cheeks, sobs echoing. The doctor rolled his eyes and back handed the woman, just like he did her daughter. However, the woman only got more aggressive and somehow managed to get out of the guards grasp. She got up and backed away from them. "How dare you?! You take my child away from me and now you raise your hand to me?! I have every right to see my child!"

"You're child is a monster! Ms. (L/n)! How many times must we explain it to you?!" The doctor grumbled, his chest heaving in rage. He knew that her daughter took a lot after her. Both women were persistent and always seemed to get what they wanted, even if it would kill them to get it. That's when the doctor got an idea. He smirked widely and grabbed one of the guards guns. "Have a good rest, Ms. (L/n). I will send young (Y/n) your love."

Her body fell to the ground with a thud. Blood flooded the ground and her barely alive body trembled. Ms. (L/n) coughed and coughed, until there was nothing left. The bullets had traveled so quickly into the woman, no one could even blink to realize what was going to happen. Everyone stood there: paralyzed, disgusted.

The creep from earlier bent over and began to puke. Whatever he had for lunch was now littered on the ground in a putrid yellow glob. The other guards grimaced as their stomachs twisted even more. The doctor rolled his eyes and threw the gun onto the ground. By chance, another bullet shot out and hit Ms. (L/n) in the head. Suddenly, globs of pink mixed with the yellow and a few more couldn't bear to hold their stomachs.

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