{ Chapter Three }

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Step One

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SCP - Unnumbered was cuffed head to toe as she was being transported for testing. Her body was frozen to the touch, but she didn't feel cold: she felt sad. The SCP wondered if it was because she was sad she was cold. She didn't quite understand what was making her feel this way though.

Perhaps the sadness was from the empty feeling in her heart. Perhaps it was because Dr. Chelsea left her without saying goodbye. She knew why though; when people weren't listening Dr. Chelsea always expressed how much she hated this. Dr. Chelsea was the only one who thought of the SCP as human. The botanist tended to refer to her as a child despite being 28.

The SCP remembered the first day she came here. They filled her with drugs and did a plethora of tests on her. The SCP remembered a woman who always wore red or blue rushing in calling her "baby." If only the SCP could remember that woman in red or blue was her mother.

She was brought here at 14, she killed someone apparently. The SCP didn't remember killing anyone before she came here, however she did remember the 13 people she killed while here. At first she didn't do it on purpose: she got scared and her powers went off, but then it got fun. However, they started offering her treats, she loved (f/pastry), but she only got that when she was really good.

SCP - Unnumbered came from a mental hospital apparently, she killed a man (her father, but she wasn't aware) and was sent there. When she had a seizure though, her powers were revealed and she was brought to the foundation. The drugs they gave her (plus the abuse from her past) kept her down, knowledge wise. She knew very little, only knowing how to kill, eat, drink, and other necessities.

Life wasn't too hard though, for the SCP. Very rarely did a guard come in with his pants around his ankles and the drugs never bothered her at the end of the day. They fed her twice a week and took her on walks on Sundays. In her old cell, she was even gifted a poster with a cat on it, but a doctor ripped it to pieces in anger.

SCP - Unnumbered was then strapped to a chair and looked around, there were several guards and a couple doctors. They started with the disinfecting of her arms and legs, wiping them down to be ready for the shots. The SCP wondered if they were giving or taking. She closed her eyes and began to count, she counted up, only restarting when she felt a needle be inserted.

"Now." A stern voice demanded, making the process begin. They began to pull out the blood in the certain places and oddly enough SCP - Unnumbered didn't feel a thing. In fact, she just felt tired and sad. She closed her eyes and allowed sleep to take her away from the real world.

Two guards walked down the hall, searching. They were definitely, anyone could tell. They moved their heads frantically back and forth, reading every name they passed by. Clearly they were searching for something. Their frantic behavior made them stick out like a sore thumb.

"Can I help you two find something?" A woman asked. She was a guard, holding a big smile on her face. She looked much like the grouchy guard that had escorted SCP - Unnumbered.

"Uh, yes. We're looking for the file of SCP - 582 and it's duplicates." One guard relayed to the female. The woman nodded and motioned them to follow her. She made small talk and made suggestive acts toward the other, more quiet, guard.

Both of the male guards were clearly uncomfortable, but when they arrived, the female was quick to leave. The guards were relieved to finally get away from the female, she would've disrupted their mission if she continued.

"Hoodie, take a look at that shelf, I'll look through this one." Masky commanded Hoodie, watching him nod and begin his search. Masky started searching through the other shelf. With every file held a card to the containment room. The higher the clearance of the card, the easier it would be to get out of there.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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