Genius Kids, am I right?

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The next day Izuku woke up to the sun shinning into his room. Getting up he walked to his door and went down stairs. At the bottom step he could make out the sound of chatter coming from the kitchen. In the kitchen he found his mom and dad talking while his mom made breakfast.

"I think he would pick it up quickly. I mean once he understands that stuff we can get to building. I'm think flame throwers would work well for him" Hisashi said as he sketched out his ideas.

Inko turned to look at her husband to see if he was actually serious. No way in any freaking world was her son going to use such a dangerous destructive weapon. On top of that they didn't need to fuel His ever growing love for fire. Before she could voice her thoughts her attention was dragged to a small voice.

"Flamethrowers sound cool!" 

Both parents watched the way Izuku lit up at the mention of flames. Well there was no going back now.

"Hey kiddo! Glad you're awake. Let me help you get ready so when we finished breakfast we can get to work on making you the best hero ever, yeah?" Hisashi asked as he picked up the small boy.

"Yeah!" Izuku exclaimed excitedly.

Inko smiled at the sight as her two favorite boys left. Hisashi had always been a gentle soul, but that hadn't stopped the fear that had raced through her mind when Izuku was announced quirkless. Though after having her husband hug her tightly saying everything would work out she knew she wouldn't have anything to worry about. This lead to a great boost in confidence in the short woman which in turn lead her to do research. Research on what specifically. Well that was simple, martial arts, self defense and weapon classes. It had been hard to find some that were willing to teach the quirkless, let alone a kid, but she had succeeded in doing so. Once they had all eaten breakfast she was going to go and sign both her and Izuku up. After all one must be able to protect their babies at all cost ,right? Right. As Inko thought of a way to tell little Izuku she heard him and his father laughing. Moments later they appeared in front of the breakfast bar.

"Mommy, did you know that someone tried telling daddy that a brain can't repair itself?" Izuku asked as he was seated by his father.

"No I didn't. is that why you where laughing?"

"Oh no I was laughing at daddy because he ran into the wall, but that person is pretty silly. I mean the brain does actually produce new stem cells within the hippocampus. The process is called neurogenesis and it helps the brain to heal and adapt to the things you are around" Izuku stated as he reached for the plate Inko had made for him.

Shocked silence followed his reply as his parents watched him eat is strawberry pancakes happily. After a few minutes of eating in complete silence the littlest Midoriya looked up to see his parents staring at him in disbelief. Shrinking in on himself he voice his one question.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Where'd you learn that?" Hisashi asked.

"Oh, well when mommy is really tired she takes naps like me. I don't want to wake her up so I read books. There are a lot in the room with the spiny chair!" Izuku  answered, visibly perking up.

"How many books have you read?"

"All of them."

Hearing this a wide smile spread across his face as he looked to Inko who's face mirrored his.

"Not only were we blessed with the sweetest bean known to man, our child is a freaking genius!"

"That he is dear, now eat while I talk to our little genius. Baby, how do you feel out learning self defense and fighting?" Inko asked looking towards her son who had continued to stuff his face with pancakes. Izuku looked back up to his mother as he chewed, thinking. All the heroes on t.v. know how to fight so it must be important  meaning I should know how to too he thought.  Quickly coming to his conclusion he gave his mom a big thumbs up while nodding his head before, for the second time that morning, digging back into his food. By the time the family was done it was around 9 am. they cleaned up the kitchen together before separating to complete their tasks for the day.  Inko grabbed her purse and keys  as she left so she could go sign up her a son and her for those classes she had mentioned earlier. While she did that Hisashi took Izuku to the room with the spiny chair, which just so happened to be his office, so he could see just how much his son knew. With in an hour he had come o learn that his son had literally read and memorized all the books in his office. This ranged from fun facts about bugs to astrophysics with everything in between. Realizing he had nothing to go over with Izuku book wise he decided he would start teaching the kid coding. By the time lunch had passed Izuku had memorized the basics of coding. It was nearing 4pm when Inko finally came back with a dozen or so bags.

"Mommy! Your home!" Izuku cheered as he ran to his mom to try and help her with her bags.

"What took so long?" Hisashi asked pausing to place a gentle kiss on Inko's forehead before he grabbed some of the bags.

"Well after I sign me and Izuku up for those classes I got a text from Mitsuki asking me if I wanted to meet her at the mall. Since she finally convinced Masure to look after Bakugo for and hour or two. So we meet up and I took the chance to buy Izuku and I workout clothes and some gear we could use hear at home. I also got the chance to tell Mitsuki about the classes and She said she would sign her and Bakugo up for them as well. She made sure we stopped so I could send her the locations of the places I went to" Inko explained.

"Sounds like you had an interesting day love."

Giving her husband a bright smile, she nodded quickly before getting to work on emptying her bags.

"How about you two? Did you do anything exciting today?"

"Daddy taught me the basics of coding! He said it was important to know so we can make machines do what we want them to do!" Izuku exclaimed happily while he helped his mom.

"Now that sounds like fun. I guess we all had a pretty good day" Inko said while smiling.

And hat they had. One good day of the many to come for the Midoriya family. sure life had thrown them a curveball, but they were ready to hit it head on an make a home run. No one was going to stop them.

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