Wait... What?

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Credit to the ksmile1313! Link to Tumbler:https://ksmile1313.tumblr.com/

Hey y'all! I want to say sorry for this coming out later than I would have liked. Considering this I'm in the second quarter of school and this happens to be my busiest quarter so it may take time to get chapters out. Though I will be posting as often as i can considering this is one thing helping me with stress so yeah!

Enjoy the chapter! <3


When the boy turned ten everyone started noticing something. Katsuki had recently been asking people to repeat themselves sometimes even going as far as asking them to get a little closer. This concerned Izuku and the two mothers as well as Masure. Finally giving into her worry Mitsuki took Bakugo to the doctors to figure out what was going on with baby. What they found out crushed Katsuki. When they got back home he ran while Mitsuki gave chase. Moments later Bakugo was now where to be found. Running back, Mitsuki raced to the Midoriyas' and burst open the door.

"Inko, I need your help! Katsuki ran away after we got back from the doctors and I don't know where he went!" She shouted into the apartment.

Izuku,  who just so happen to be working on something for his father in the living room, glanced up.

"I might know where he is. I can go get him for you" he said getting up and grabbing  his shoes.

Inko, who had just came into the room, and Mitsuki watched as little Izuku ran out of the house to find his best friend. He ran without stopping until he came to their favorite park which happened to be connected to the woods. Trying to seem casual, Izuku slowed to a walk as he entered the woods. He walked in a straight line for about two miles before making a sharp left and continued on for another mile before coming to a stop at the edge of a flower filled clearing. Within the clearing he could see Bakugo sitting in the center with his knees tucked to his chest and his arms folded on top. Soft sniffles could be heard as if Bakugo was crying.

"Hey Kacchan, is everything alright?" Izuku asked as he made is way over to his sit by his friend.

"Leave me alone Deku" Katsuki growled though it held a pleading tone to it.

"I'm not leaving you, ever, so please tell me what's wrong. You ran and now Auntie is really worried about you" Izuku replied finally sitting down so his back was flush with Bakugo's.

"Why would she be worried about someone that's weak?"

"What are you talking about? Your not weak. You're one of the strongest people I know" Izuku stated slightly confused by his friends words.

"I am weak. My own body can't handle my quirk."

"What do you mean?"

"I'M LOSING MY HEARING, OK!?!" Bakugo shouted in frustration before taking in a shaky breath. "I-I'm going deaf b-because of m-my quirk. B-by the time w-we're i-in high school m-most of m-my hearing w-will be g-gone" He choked out, small sniffles becoming quite sobs.

Izuku sat there stunned, only being brought out of his frozen state by the slight shake of Bakugo. Standing up, he made his way around the crying boy, engulfing him in a bone crushing hug. They stayed like that what felt like hours as Bakugo cried his heart out. After a while he had began to calm down, Izuku pulled away slightly. Emerald eyes meet ruby red as Midoriya gave Bakugo a comforting smile.

"Everything is going to be ok Kacchan. I'll be with you every step of the way. Ms. Yuki at the library knows sign language and she is really nice, so she can teach us. We can also get books on it to. You're not weak, you're just not invincible. Every body has their limits physically and mentally. Just because one of yours is showing doesn't make you weak. Katsuki Bakugo, you are not alone, ok? I'm going to help my brother to the best of my abilities" Izuku stated reassuringly.

Standing up he reached a hand out to Bakugo who took it with new determination. Together they began their journey back to Izuku's apartment. If Kacchan won't be able to be in battle and hear when we get older, then he will be at a disadvantage. Sure there are hearing aids, but he might need to turn them off in a fight. If he were to gain experience in a real fight then he will know what to expect. He just won't be able to use his quirk Izuku thought while they walked.

"Hey Kacchan, what if we became vigilantes?"

As soon as the words left Izuku's mouth Bakugo froze. Turning to his friend, he hoped to see that classic mischievous smile, but he was meet with a sincere look.

"You have got to be crazy! Vigilantes are considered criminals! We could get in trouble!" Bakugo exclaimed, reeling that his ever so intelligent friend would even suggest something so outrageous.

"Well technically it's only illegal if you use your quirk and attack first. Besides, think about it, it would give us an idea as to what we are working for. Sure we know that being a hero is dangerous and we meet indecent people, but we don't really know what to expect. If we were to say, become vigilantes, we would gain experience and help lots of people. I mean pros aren't always able to help everyone or get there on time, but we can." Izuku explained, careful not to word it in a way that could offend the blonde.

Bakugo looked at Izuku after his explanation before continuing on to the apartment complex. He couldn't decided how he felt about the whole idea, like it wasn't bad per say, it just wasn't great either. Izuku on the other hand just followed quietly  behind. He had had a feeling that Bakugo would need to think about, he just hoped he agreed. In all honesty he had been planning this out for a while. Originally it was just going to be him, but nothing would be disturbed if Bakugo did decided to go with the idea. The thoughtful silence followed the two boys until they were in front of the Midoriya residence. 

"Listen Deku, I don't think it's a good idea, but just from your reasoning I think you'll still go through with it. So I'll help you any way I can since your helping me. Don't do anything stupid though, ok? I can't have you dyeing on me stupid nerd" Bakugo said, hand on the doorknob. 

All Izuku could do was give Bakugo one of his biggest smiles. As they walked inside of the apartment. The rest of the evening was spent with both families, minus Hisashi for he was in Germany, going out to eat and fussing over over the the youngest Bakugo. It was on this day that both boys came to realize that their big family would always be there for them no matter what the future holds.

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