Day 11

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hellllloooo everyone :) sorry i haven't uploaded in a while, i haven't had the time to write :\ but i hope you like this chapter!! the next one, i hope, will be like the huge chapter that everyone is waiting for. I have it mostly finished, so i'll upload it tomorrow. i wanna see how many comments i will get on this one though :) so ENJOY <3 BYE!!

            I stretched out in bed the next morning and the first thing I felt was my throbbing headache. I sat upright and took a sip of my water bottle on my night table.

            I went over what happened last night and what really stood out was the kiss. It was just so amazing and everything that I expected a kiss from Harry to be like. Not too desperate, and completely loving and passionate.

            I groaned when my phone went off on my night table.

            “Hello?” I answered groggily. I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to get rid of my headache, but to no avail.

            “You sound happy this morning,” Harry replied, teasing. I groaned again; he sounded too happy.

            “I have a headache…” I grumbled, clearly not in the mood for someone who was feeling peppy today.

            “Aw, did you want me to come and cuddle with you to make you feel better?” I heard a smile behind Harry’s voice.

            “I think some Advil would work better…” I squeezed my eyes shut and inhaled deeply. But cuddling is acceptable too, I thought to myself, but that just made my head hurt more.

            “I’ll be right over. Stay in bed, I have one of your room keys.”

            “Okay…” I yawned and mumbled a goodbye before hanging up my phone and throwing it on the side of the bed next to me.

            All I could think of was sleeping…

            I must’ve fallen back asleep because my eyes peeled open a little while later to find Harry lying down next to me, smiling a little bit.

            “You are so beautiful when you sleep…” Harry whispered, scrunching up the back of my hair. His eyes moved down to my lips and he swallowed and looked back up into my eyes.

            I closed my eyes. “Did you bring Advil?” I mumbled.

            I could almost feel Harry smile as he took a small plastic bag with three Advils in it. I thanked him and swallowed them all.

            “Are you feeling well enough to go out today?” Harry asked hopefully, trying his hardest to keep a small distance between the two of us, but failing miserably.

            “Mmm… not now…” I yawned and by instinct, cuddled closer to Harry. I could use my tiredness as an excuse for being this close to him. “I’m still tired…”

            Harry wrapped his arms around me as I cuddled more into his hard and warm chest. I yawned one last time before I slowly drifted off to sleep.

            Harry was watching TV when I woke up a little while later. I had rolled over to the opposite side of the bed as him, curled up in the sheets. I yawned and stretched out, slowly turning over to find Harry under the covers too.

Fourteen Days in London with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now