~U n e x p e c t e d~ ( Drarry )

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5th year ( No Umbitch, no Voldemort) 

Harry's POV 

I was in the Gryffindor Common Room, in front of the fireplace since it was raining and it's gotten really cold. I was trying to find ways of getting rid of Ginny, why? Oh because she's too clingy.  I wanted some alone time for myself but she keeps following me, e v e r y w h e r e.    I was now lying on my bed when I heard knocking on the window. I got up and saw an owl outside. 

--Which was quite surprising because owls don't usually come by when it rains

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--Which was quite surprising because owls don't usually come by when it rains. I opened the window to let the poor owl inside. I took the letter from it's beak and un-rolled it.

"Meet me at the library. 5pm"

That was all it said.. I was kind off Hesitant about this, but of course, I decided to go. I wrote back : 

"Meet me at the library. 5pm" 

And I sent it. 

Draco's POV  

I was sitting on bed, waiting for my owl to come back, 

*tap tap* 

I Looked to the window, it was my owl. I let it inside and it had a letter in it's beak. I took it and Opened it.    

Meet me at the library. 5pm"

 He got my letter. It was currently 4:30pm.. but I couldn't wait long enough so I got up and got ready to leave. "Draco?- Where are you?-" Blaise began. "Oh I'm just going to the library." I answered. Blaise nodded "Alright mate, have fun" he smiled. I nodded and left. 

At the Library  ( Still Draco's POV ) 

I walked into the library.  I looked up at the muggle clock to see It was 4:56pm now. He should be here any minute. 

Harry's POV 

I arrived at the library. I sat down and started reading. "Potter?" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned around to see a blonde Slytherin. "..Malfoy?" 
I wasn't really bothe- ALRIGHT I HAD A CRUSH ON HIM SINCE 2nd YEAR ALRIGHT!? I mean nobody knew, right?- 

"Why'd you call me here?" I asked.  "..Can we talk?" He replied,  He didn't answer my question..

"Y-yeah sure?" I nodded and he sat down next to me. I closed to book I was reading and pushed it forwards. "What is it Malfoy?" I questioned. "Please, call me Draco" he smiled and I- Alright. "Call me Harry then." I smiled. 

"So I have a confession." he began


"Alright, go on.." I nodded and waited for him to talk

"Remember 3rd year when Hagrid's bloody chi-" I laughed "It's a hippogriff." I Corrected him.  "Alright, a hippogriff?"  He smiled awkwardly. 

"Before I was RUDELY interrupted, Hagrid's...Hippogriff, attacked me, the fact I did that is because I wanted to.. well impress y-" "It was obvious." I interrupted again and laughed. "Alright- can you stop putting words in my mouth?!" He huffed and got up from his chair. 

 At this point I wiped my non-existent tear while laughing. "A-alright- Sorry" I said between laughs and tried to pull him back down to his chair but it backfired horribly. 

He fell on top of me.

"Oh sh- I-I'm so-" I tried to apologise but before I could finish, he kissed me. On the lips.   

Of course, I didn't hesitate to kiss back at this point. The kiss was short but sweet and passionate. After some seconds we broke apart. I can feel my face getting hotter. He got up and offered me a hand, I grabbed it and got up. 

"Meet me in the room of requirements tomorrow, same time." he whispered into my ear. 

After draco returned to the common room : 

Draco bursts through the door.


Blaise : What-


Draco already jumping around

Blaise : Should we help hi-

Pansy : Nah, He'll be perfectly fine.  

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