Mysterious Cat

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In the chilly hour before dawn, I stuggered to the bathroom. Suddenly, I heard a crash from my mini office. I was shocked. I bought my feet to the room. I took a quick peek inside.

As I looked inside, I saw a white-fur cat with a pair of blue eyes trying to climb up my desk. She accidentally broke my frame. I took the broken frame and kept it in a safer place.

The minute I set my eyes on the cat, I fell in love with it. I took the cat and named it, Crookshanks. I had made my mind that I wanted to adopt Crookshanks.

After a few days, I realised that she was always staring at me. I thought Crookshankshad a staring problem, but I ignored my feelings. I continued drafting my new project.

I made a building plan for a new skyscraper in the town as I am a professional architect. As I was sketching the plan for the skyscraper, the cat seemed fixated on my face.

"Aww, Crookshanks, you are so lovely." I kissed her, but she did not gime me any respond. Everytime I sat near the plan, she was always staring at me.

I burnt the midnight oil for the project. After a while, I was sleepy. I hung the plan on the wall behind my chair. I made my way towards my bedroom. I sinked my body in the bed, and finally I hit the sack.

My little old alarm copper alarm rang me to awake that morning. I went to the kitchen. I put a cup on the coffee maker. After tapping a few buttons, a freshly brewed and aromatic coffee is prepared.

I brought the coffee to my mini office and placed it on my desk. Crookshanks came towards me and sat on the desk. She look behind me. Then, I made an assumption that she was distracted to the plan that I had hung up behind me.

Out of the blue, I accidentally spilled the coffee on Crookshanks! She started to writhe with pain. Her body produced a thick white fume. I was perplexed.

"How can a cat produced smoke?" I monologue.

In the nick time, she exploded. I was shell-shocked. Suddenly, I saw a microchip with a logo of my enemy's company, Cedric Architecture. I was flabbergasted. I had beed spied by a cat!

Since Cedric had known my plan, J decided to make a new one. They will be lose to me as I am the top architect in the town. Now, I realised that we should be concern with our surrounding.

Even a cat can be a spy.

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