Chapter Twenty Eight

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"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them."

- Ernest Hemingway


Tyler's Pov

"Tyler! Get the fuck in here right now!"

I flinched and looked up from my phone, closing the string of messages Fawn had sent me. I wiped the giddy smile off of my face and dawned a sneer.  "Where the fuck have you been?" I flinched at the sound of my fathers gravely voice, and felt the harsh sting as my nails dug into the palms of my hands. Don't let him scare you. He's nothing but a lowlife. He's pathetic, and you're nothing like him. I told myself.

Tesoro would want you to be better than this.

After meeting Chris and telling him my news, I had left him at the a apartment and headed downtown to the warehouse. I had only seen Fawn a couple of hours ago but it already felt like days had passed. I missed her already. God I was totally and utterly mind fucked. I couldn't stop thinking about her. I almost felt sad when I had to pull my hood back up. 

I squared my shoulders and walked further into the warehouse, climbing the pipes to be on the upper level with my father. The men down below barely spared me a glance, continuing to clean their guns and smoke god knows what. My father continued staring ahead but I noticed him aknowlegde me with a small nod. Bastard. He wanted me to talk first.

"I had plans." I cleared my throat and shrugged further into my hoodie, enjoying the envelope of warmth that it provided me. "Had to work and shit." He didn't actually care about my job, so I hoped he would leave it at that.

Of course I would not be that fortunate.

My father turned to face me, unexpressionless dead eyes looking into mine. He walked towards me slowly, closing the distance between us, and it took everything in me to stay put despite how badly my body wanted to step away. He inhaled slowly and dragged his eyes down my frame. I tried to mask my confusion with a look of carelessness, but inside I was afraid. Was he fucking smelling me? Like some dog?

"Don't try lying to me boy." He spoke softly, raising the hair on both my arms and making me stand stiff instantly. "I can practically smell it on you, you've been fucking around."

"What?" I spoke astounded.

"That perfume, there's a feminine scent is crawling all over you. "

Shit. Fawn must have been wearing perfume when we kissed. Fuck fuck fuck.

"I'm a grown man." I raised my chin and met his glare head on. "I can do whatever the fuck I want and It's none of your business."

"This bitch better not be interfering with your work." He spat. "I need you giving me one hundred percent, can't have you being distracted by some whore."

I bit my tongue and took a deep breath. "She's not important. Nothing for you to worry about."

"Good. I don't have time for this." He slammed his hand against the metal railing, creating a loud clang as his rings hit the surface. The same rings that had come into contact with the flesh of my face so many times. Don't let this asshole scare you. Get through this and go back to Fawn. I told myself, staying strong. "I had a job for you but your sorry ass was running round town whoring! James had to cover for you, you ungrateful brat." The man in question chose that very moment to walk past us, smiling at me in pride through rotting teeth. "You owe me one now."

"I don't owe you shit." I shook my head. I turned to leave but my father grabbed my arm, his fingers bruising the pale skin instantly.

"You wanna say that again to me boy?" He pressed down further until a blinding pain shot up my arm. He was gonna bream something unless I pulled away soon. "Don't test my fucking patience. I wish you were never born you no good pathetic fuck." He spat at me, shoving me back against the balcony railings. I felt my hood fly off my face, showcasing to my father all of his handywork. He had done this to me as punishment for mamma's death.

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