The dream, but its worse... ~13~

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(Ricks POV)

My mind was racing, debating the telling the boys about Rachel's room. I was scared I'd I said anything she would lose all trust she has in me. I sighed and stared at my hands as I twiddled my thumbs.
"I- I don't want to tell you want we talked about outside earlier..." I mumbled staring at the ground.
"Why're you scared to tell us?" Josh asked a bit worried.
"Cause, I don't want her to not trust me anymore." I sighed and looked up at him.
"I'm sure she'll still trust you." Eddie said smiling, "after all that would be a pretty dumb reason to hate some-"
"Yeah dumb- telling people the one thing she told me not to tell anyone about?" I sighed again and Gaege put his hand on my shoulder.
"If she ends up hating her I'll just talk to her. I'm sure it'll be fine." He smiled.
"Okay then-" I said before telling them about her dream adding on some details. "So she had this dream a few days ago that she's scared of having again. Basically, a military helicopter lands in the driveway of her child hood home and 6 figures run out, guns equipped, they kill her family before killing her. Then she sits in a endless black void til she wakes up. And.. with Grant once in the military, if she has the dream and visualises Grant as one of the men... she could grow a deer of narrator." I explained.

I looked up at Everyone, their eyes wide.
"I was not expecting that-" Josh said trying to comprehend what I said.
"Can we now not talk about this? But im just gonna let you know that she'll wake me up if she has said dream." I smiled and we decided to watch a movie to get out minds off the topic. Eventually Rachel and grant came back around sunset, a 3ish hour long walk.

(Rachel's POV)

I walked in the door with grant walking behind me. Everyone wasn't talking about random shit like I thought they would be, instead they were watching a movie. The movie was loud enough I couldn't hear my own thoughts or the door closing, it felt like a party. I sighed.
"my head..." I sighed and covered my ears before I started to yell., "TURN THE FUCKING TV DOWN!" Rick jumped and paused the movie.
"Sorry Rachel!" Rick said.
"It's fine- what's for dinner? I'm getting hangry" I sighed.
"Hmm, how about... Tacos?" Eddie suggested.
"I'm down. Haven't had tacos for Maybee, a month." I giggled as Eddie pulled out his phone.

(Time skip to after dinner + watching a movie 9:45pm)

I yawned and leaned my head onto the closest shoulder, to no one's surprise it was Grants. They were about to start a new movie when I stood up and stretched.
"I'm gonna head to bed, good night boys!" I said before turning to walk up the stairs.
"Goodnight!" They all yelled and started to laugh. I walked into the guest room and changed as they chatted, using their chatter as some kind of timer. Their talking soon dissipated and I heard footsteps walking up the stairs. I finished putting on my shorts and hopped into the bed after plugging my phone in. In walked Grant after he knocked, He smiled as he walked over to the bed.
"You sleep well okay? I'll be here if you need anything." He smiled and laid down beside me. I soon enough drifted off to sleep. With narrator laying next to me.

(I think u know we finna have some of the dream in this chapter 🙃)

(Dream Rachel POV)

I immediately recognised the location, the same old driveway, the same ants. The same helicopter from all the other times I've had this dream came down. I sighed mentally knowing what was going to happen. The 6 figures jumping out of the helicopter, one's features had changed to match the same as.. Grants? He charged at me the second he saw me with his gun drawn. It made me tremble, being in my younger-selves body and seeing the same guy that is laying next to me charging at me with a gun, it terrified me. I watched on as the familiar scene played out, the 4 running into the house then coming back out with three body bags. I cried and looked back at Grant his face twisted to show a maniacal grin as he waved, "Night, Night Cherry Blossom~" he said before shooting me. I could see everything in third person again. I watched as my body fell to the floor lifeless. Narrator lent on one knee and laughed, high fives the other one who shot me before bagging up my corpse and dragging the bag into the helicopter. Everything faded to black as I sat and cried. Slowly morphing back into my now body. I looked up, saw the faces of the boys, minus Grant. I sighed as Eddie put his hand on my shoulder.
"Rachel, wake up. This is t real and you know it." He sighed.
"Okay, well where is My mum?" I vocalised.
"She is taking a nap- but please wake up" Gaege said now with tears in his eyes. The fear in the rest of the guys' eyes scared me to the point I tried everything I could to wake up. But nothing worked.
"I-it's not working." I cried.
"This might work..." Grants voice echoed through the space, the boys' faces went pale. "Night, Nigh Cherry Blossom~" he said as he covered my eyes and once again shot me.

(Rachel's POV)

My eyes flew open, I felt so aware of the tears rolling down my cheeks and the man next to me. I got up and made my way to Eddie's room to find rick. I woke up rick with a tap to the shoulder.
"You okay Rachel?" He asked a bit too loud that it woke up Eddie.
"W-what happened?" Eddie asked looking over.
"Y-yeah I'm fine, I just had the nightmare again." I said crying.
"Oh no.. are you okay? How different was it?" He said pulling me into the bed.
"B-but Eddie's here" I sighed.
"He told everyone while you were on a walk with Grant. You can tell me." Eddie said smiling.
"Okay..." I explained the dream to them both. Their eyes grew wide...

"Night night Cherry blossom? What kind of horror movie type bull shit is that?" Eddie said confused, I shrugged.
"I-I dunno, all I know is I don't want to sleep in the guest room now.." I sighed,
"I'll sleep in the guest room, don't worry Rachel. I owe you for telling your secret to everyone." Rick said smiling and getting out of the bed.
"Thank you rick." I said smiling, I climbed into the the bed next to Eddie. I drifted off to sleep, not having the dream again.


(So I keep hinting at shit then going, HAH! YOU THOUGHT! sorry, I'll stop that 😂 also, prepare for a MEGA time skip soon! 👀


I'm planning on having Rachel stay til Halloween, then they spend that together, then she goes home until around May-ish this year! So get ready for that!)

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