Young but a Weasley

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31st July 1992, The Burrow, Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon

Andrew POV

Okay! So I'm Andrew Young/Weasley. I'm 12 at present. I wasn't born but adopted by the Weasleys. My Muggle dad hoped that by marrying my mum, he'd get a magical offspring to get back at his brother, but I lost my preliminary magical abilities at two months age. My mum had been subject to my father's sadism from then. Due to that, my mum left me to the Weasleys. For me to have a good life afterwards. She died a week after that.

From then on, I've been a proud Weasley, seeing others go to Hogwarts while I go to a Muggle school a mile away. Others don't know how it feels to be unable to do something you can't do. It's due to Pretty Human Nature, according to Michael Jackson. I may be a bit popular in school, but I'm a bullying victim there as well. My parents tried to do something about it, but that boy won't budge, since he's his dad's apple of the eyes.

But other than that, I'm a well-known Soccer player in the school team. I'm Vice-Captain all the more with Captain being my only and best friend, Soumya Biswas. Us both have a lot in common in our liking for Soccer, Chemistry, Space, Rockets and Home Agriculture. He's also a Wizard, albeit a "Late Bloomer".

Present time 7:30 A.M.

Ron's brought a guest with him. And in tow, a lot of them. I'm in my room, the highest in the Burrow, Bill and Charlie are home with a friend of theirs, Nymphadora Tonks. She's a Metamorphagus, i.e. she can change her appearance at will.

Ron comes inside the Burrow with Harry and Alex. Ginny had seen him and warned him about her infamous Bat Bogey Hex. But he's not changed a bit. I think Ron's trying to butter them up for a chance with Rose, the Potter girl.

But on to the point, the moment I see them come in through the window, I stand up from the dining table to face Ron, Fred and George. I usually have my breakfast very early in the morning, even if it meant making it myself. The "burglars" were shocked to see me. "Now, what's the matter that Ron, Gred and Forge have to break in the house and not come through the front door?" I asked. Alex retorted, "What's it gotta do with you, HUH?!!! We'll come inside any house any way we like, and you'll not stop us. Oh sorry. You can't stop us, you're a filthy Squib after all. A disgrace!"

After hearing this, I couldn't take it in any longer. I gathered the last of my Bacon and Sausages and went to my room. He couldn't bear me, can he? He does know how to play with one's soft spots to mum him/her. My room was probably the best place in the Burrow, after the Quidditch pitch in the morning during Spring months. I finished my meal and lied down on the bed, sobbing.

It's one thing to be bullied based on financial grounds and family at school, I have my friend and my fists to do my work. But at home, as he's a guest brought home by my brothers, I'm helpless. I can't beat him up, I'll jeopardise Ron's work and make my impression as a bully in front of others as well.

My condition is like past Ginny. She was also rejected and left alone, like a freak. But she had me, and she hardened up. I'm not like that! I've got excessive stuttering problems in the case of holding back tears. So I let it flow and hid in my room, whenever the Potters and their family friends drop by. I have loads of chemicals to work in my room, so I don't have any reason to be bored.

2:30 P.M.

As expected, the Potters, Remus and Sirius came and Alex, Harry and Rose planned on staying out the rest of the summer here. FUCK!!! I can understand why people say that Life isn't fair. Anyways, I still have to practice Soccer for the Inter-School Silver Titan Cup. My school hasn't won it for the last 10 years!!! I have that job of giving my best in the Semi-Finals tomorrow.

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