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Emma hummed a little. It had been a very long drive, both kids were asleep in the back, and her Ren was knitting something right now. "How's it look so far?" Error asked. Emma looked down the road. "Empty." she groaned quietly. "That's such a great scene." he muttered. Emma sighed, before perking up when she saw a sign ahead. She slowed down enough so she could read what it said. 

Welcome to Storybrook

"Storybrooke." Error and Emma said together looking at the sign as they drive past by it."Is that supposed to be a pun or something?" Error asked, looking at Emma. Emma shrugged. "I don't know.... but can you wake up the kids, since we're almost there? We might as well stop to eat while we're at it..." Error nodded. "Sure." Emma smiled and sped up the car a little. She was getting very sick of driving. They passed by the trees that covered both sides of the roads until she started to see some buildings began to show up.

Dawn rubbed her eyes and then her face brightened up. Henry look out the window and grinned. Emma smiled as they passed an old clock tower. "Hey Dawn, where's your house?" she asked. "Oh!" Dawn began to give her directions. Emma followed her directions, and they soon came across.... mansion. "Uh, Dawn? Who's your mother?" she asked cautiously. "My mom is the mayor." she answered. 

Emma looked at Error as a woman with a short haircut, wearing a suit walked out of the house. "Um Dawn is that her?""Yes!" Dawn cried. The woman saw their car, and Dawn in the backseat. She walked over quickly, her eyes wide and looking a little panicked. Emma got out of her car. "Hello, Miss." she said calmly. Henry watched with interest from his spot in the backseat. 

"How did you get my daughter!" The woman demanded and gave her a look to answer or else. Too bad for her Emma dealt with Error's looks. Those can be scary if you push him. But gotta give the woman credit. "My son found her wandering around outside his school, and went to help her. We were just bringing her back." Emma said calmly. "Come on, Kiddo." she said to Dawn. Dawn climb out the car. "Mom, mom!" she said, running up to her happily. Emma smiled at her. "We just wanted to make certain she got home safely."

The woman held Dawn closely and checked her over. She wasn't injured, and looked happy. "Where were you? I was worried sick and I got the Sheriff looking for you." The woman asked looking at her daughter. Henry got out of the car to stand by his family. Emma winced a little. "Boston. She was in Boston." she told the worried mother. "What?! Dawn!" Dawn winced. "I didn't know!"

"Didn't know! How could you not-" The woman stop and took a small breath. Then look back at the three. Well the two adults. Emma smiled and waved a little. "Uh, not to be rude, but do you know anyplace we can rest for a little while? It was a really long drive." "Oh. Right yes I can show you that-""Mom I want Henry to come play." Dawn tugged her sleeves."Henry?" The woman looked at the boy with brown hair and curious bright hazel eyes. He looked the part of the adorable yet nerdy child. "Hi." Henry waved.

Emma smiled. "Henry is my son, the one who found her outside his school." she said, ruffling his hair. The woman blinked and smile warmly at Henry. "Well Henry I thank you very much for helping my daughter.""You're welcome, we had lots of fun." Henry smiled. Emma smiled happily. Error was quiet as he scanned around the place. "Can he mom?" Dawn looked at her mom with a pleading look."Well Dawn how about not today it's actually very late. Maybe tomorrow if they aren't driving back home." Emma smiled. "That's fine with me, actually. Spring Break is next week for Henry's school, so we pulled him out a little early." she explained.

"Well then I hope your stay in Storybrooke is a nice break. I'll give you the address to the hotel. Along with my number so we can plan a time for the two to hang out. And tell the owner to put the bill on my tab for your room." the woman told her. Emma blinked. "Oh, we can pay, it's no trouble Ms...." "Regina. Regina Mills and I don't mind after all the trouble to bring my daughter back." she said with a smile. Emma smiled. "It was nothing, I know that I would be terrified if my son went missing, and would want him returned safely." she said, ruffling Henry's hair again. 

"Mom." Henry whines. "Henry.." Emma said in the same tone. "And may I asked your two name?" Regina asked. Looking at the beautiful tall blonde woman. Didn't look weak and seems like she can fight if need be. A pair of striking green eyes with hints of gold specks. Then looking at the other person who was taller than the blonde. Along with a bit older looking. They had long black hair that look like you could see a hint of midnight blue at the roots. But couldn't tell man or woman from their who androgynous features with what look like scars running down their cheeks. Yet it seemed to make their appearance exotic looking. A pair of gold eyes that seemed...Unnatural. 

"I'm Emma, Emma Dreemur. And this is my Ren." Emma said with a grin. "Hello Emma and Ren." Regina said politely. Emma giggled. Regina was a bit confused trying to figure out the two."Hello Ms. Regina." Error nods at her. "My daughter, grandson and I thank you."Daughter!? Grandson!? Okay then that at least cleared up they're not a couple. Emma nodded. "Yes, thank you." she said, before looking down at Henry. "Why don't we go look around for something to eat, ok Kiddo?" "Okay mom." Henry grinned.

"Let me go give your the information first." Regina said quickly. Emma smiled at Henry, before looking back up at Regina. "Oh, thank you!" "You're welcome." she replied, going back inside the mansion real quickly. Emma leaned against her Bug, waiting. Error joined her while the kids talked. "Is it just me, or is there a lot of magic here?" she asked quietly. "A lot." Error grumbled. Emma hummed a little, looking around. She could see it cloaking the town....

"Should we stay here for awhile?" he asked. Emma looked around. "I don't see why not...." she replied quietly. "Alright. But I swear this becomes some quest or something, we're leaving." He was not going to deal with someone magical problems unless they attack his family. Then they'll wish he wasn't their problem. Emma grinned. Regina came back out. Emma looked at her and straightened up.

"Here you go." Regina said.  Emma takes the paper and see Granny's Bed & Breakfast written on it, with the address. "Thanks, Ms. Mills." she said with a grin. "No, thank you Ms. Dreemur." Regina said with a smile. Emma smiled and got back into her car. "It was nothing." she told Regina, buckling up. Error soon followed along with Henry."Bye Henry!""Bye Dawn I'll see you tomorrow!" 

Emma started up the car and drove off, following the directions Regina had written down. When they arrived at Granny's, Emma parked and looked at the place. It looked like a mom-and-pop diner, a rather old one. "Are we staying here?" Henry asked. Emma nodded. "It looks like it." she hummed, getting out of the car. "Gigi?" Henry asked, looking at Error. "Yes, Little Moth?" Error replied.  "Are you okay?" Emma looked at them. "I'm fine just thinking." Error said while looking at a certain direction. Emma look over to see it was the clock tower. It was frozen it looked like. They get out of the car and go inside the inn. Emma stopped one more time to look at the clock. The big hand moved. 

Since she wouldn't have the same Bug, so this is the one she has. And yes, we did change the timeline a bit.... 


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