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Emma was looking around as they walked, humming to herself. After they had hit the pawn shop, they had decided to try to library, in case it was open. As they walked, they noticed Regina. "Regina?" Emma called out to her. She turned, looking panicked. "Have any of you seen Dawn?" she asked them. "Um not since yesterday, when we dropped her off with you." Emma answered. Regina frowned. "Oh no.... the school called me, and said she hadn't come in today. I thought maybe she had come to you, to play with Henry." she told them. "No, all of us have been together since this morning." Emma frowned and scratched the back of her head. "How about this, we'll help you. I'm good at finding people." Regina sighed. "Thank you." she said gratefully.

"Hey it's no problem." Emma assured. They began to walk towards the school. "Regina besides this and going to Boston, did she ever do anything else like this?" Emma asked her. Regina sighed. "Not really.... it was all a surprise." Emma nodded and thought some more. "Does she have a place she prefers to hang out?" Emma asked the distraught mother. "There is that castle." Regina answered. "Castle?" Emma hummed. "It's not too far away. She likes to hang out there. I hate to say it but she is a loner and has a hard time making friends." Regina explained and pulled her hair back. "Well except with your son." Emma nodded in understanding. "Because you're the mayor, right?" she asked. "One of the reasons but yes." Regina said. Emma hummed again.

"This is the school?" Error asked looking at the building. "Yes." Regina replied. Emma looked at the generic looking school building. "I thought I was leaving school." Henry complained. Emma laughed, ruffling his hair. Error rolled his eyes. "You'll live." They all went inside, Regina leading them through the halls to Dawn's classroom, where a woman with short black hair was teaching. "And that is?" Error asked, looking at Regina. "Mary Margret... Dawn's teacher." Regina said distastefully. "Don't like her?" Error asked. "No, not really." Regina replied.

Soon the bell rang. As the students left, the adults entered, Henry trailing behind them. Mary Margret looked up as she was packing up her things. "Ms. Mills what are you doing here?" she asked, sounding surprised. "Where's my daughter?" Regina asked. The other woman blinked. "I thought she was home sick..." "Do you think I would be here if she was." Regina growled. Emma frowned. Something about this woman was rubbing her the wrong way...

Error glanced at Emma and nudged her. Emma looked at him, still frowning. Error gave her a concerned look. She shook her head. Now was not the place and time to worry about it. "What book are you talking about?" Regina demanded as the two still had been talking the whole time. Emma blinked. "The book of fairy tales?" she said questioningly. Regina and Mary Margret looked at her. "The book Dawn has..... she's pretty attached to it." Emma continued. "Um yes I gave her the book. Regina you know your daughter is very special and creative, but she's... well lonely. I thought it would help her out-"

"She's not lonely. I'm her friend." Henry said as he took a step up. Mary Margret looked at him, blinking in surprise. "Oh, I'm sorry, are you a new student?" she asked, looking up at the other two. "Long story short my daughter was found by him and his family. They were kind enough to bring her back." Regina explained and walked away. Emma nodded. "Emma Dreemur. This is my Ren." she said simply. "Well hello Mr. and Mrs. Dreem-" "I'm Emma's parent." Error cut her off. Mary Margret blinked, surprised again. "Mom, Gigi can we go find Dawn?" Henry asked, looking up at them. "Yeah we better go." Emma said. Error nodded, the three following Regina out. Mary Margret watched them leave silently.

"So, how did you find out about this castle?" Error asked Regina as they continue walking. They could see the seaside. "Dawn showed me. I had it fixed up for her so it wasn't as dangerous." Regina replied. "Does it have dragons protecting it?" Henry asked her. Regina laughed and shook her head no. "A spell protecting it?" he asked. "If I could do magic then it would be on my daughter 24/7." How she missed her magic. During the time Dawn was gone she was freaking out and felt useless. She sighed quietly. Still.... she could live without it, she had for years already. "Is that it?" Error asked. Regina looked at where they were pointing and nodded, speeding up. "Dawn!" she called. Dawn looked up and saw them walking over. Dawn winced, looking at her mother. She didn't mean to worry her....

Once Upon a Time.... until Error Showed upWhere stories live. Discover now