The Pawn Shop

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The next morning, Emma was the first one awake. She went to do her usual morning routine to get ready for the day. She smiled at Henry, who was still sleeping, drooling a bit on the pillow. Emma giggled and gently shook him. "Come on, buddy. Time to wake up." Henry groaned and pulled the covers up over his face. Emma giggled again. "I guess I'm eating the pancakes then." she said teasingly. Henry quickly got out of bed when he heard that. Emma grinned at him. Henry got up and stretched. "Where's Gigi?" he asked. "In the other room." she replied. Henry nodded and went to change. Emma went to wait in the hall for her Ren and Henry. A few minutes later, Ren came out into the hall.

Emma smiled at him. "Sleep well?" Error asked her. She shrugged. "Bed wasn't the best, wasn't the worst either, but still." she hummed, stretching. "Well the beds do look the age of the place." Error deadpanned. Emma laughed softly. "Yeah, they do." Error nodded and looked around the hall. Henry came out of the room, putting on his jacket. "Ready? Emma asked. "Yep!" Henry said cheerfully. "Alright let's get some food in our stomachs. Including you Ren." Emma said sternly.

"Joy." Error muttered. Error over the years has slowly been able to eat. He still doesn't need to eat, but when raising a baby, it was best to learn some cooking skills. But whenever they would go out to eat he didn't buy anything to eat or if he did, just little things. Unless it was chocolate. Plus, his daughter can be stubborn when she 'makes' him eat. Henry frowned at him, crossing his arms stubbornly. "I won't eat until you eat, Gigi." he said, even as his stomach growled. "I swear you're worse than your mother." Error glanced and was given the look from Emma. Emma just smirked at him.

"Don't you give me that look! You taught him on purpose." Error accused. Emma shrugged. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Error grumble but tried to not smile. Emma grinned, taking him and Henry by the hand and leading them downstairs to the restaurant. Once they came down, it was rather obvious that there wasn't a lot of people. They found a booth quickly, and the young waitress came over. "Good morning."'The brunette said, pulling out a small notepad, green eyes looking at the pair with curiosity. "What would you all like to start with this morning?" "Some coffee for me. Henry?" Emma asked, looking at him. "Orange juice, please!" the boy said brightly.

"Alright and you?"she asked Error. "Hot Chocolate." he replied. "That's not fair." Henry pouted. Emma laughed at Henry's pout. "Do you want to change your order, kiddo?" "Yes!" he exclaimed. Emma snickered, looking at the waitress. "Get him a hot chocolate instead." she told the waitress. "You got it. I'll let y'all keep looking." She turned around and walked off. "Definitely not used to new people." Error whispered. Emma nodded, humming as she looked through the menu. Henry was looking at the menu. "Mom, do you think fairy tales are real?" he asked suddenly. Emma hummed. "Maybe... remember where Gigi is from?" she said, grinning at Error. Error was looking out the window and glance at her, smiling a bit.

"Yes, I remember." Henry said. Emma grinned wider and ruffled Henry's hair. "Well, wouldn't you say that sounds like a fairy tale?" she asked him. "✌︎ ☞︎✌︎✋︎☼︎✡︎ ❄︎✌︎☹︎☜︎ ☞︎☼︎⚐︎💣︎ ☟︎☜︎☹︎☹︎." Error muttered in Wing Dings. He winced when Emma kicked him lightly under the table. "☼︎☜︎✌︎☹︎☹︎✡︎ ☼︎☜︎☠︎?" Emma asked in the same language. "☺︎🕆︎💧︎❄︎ ❄︎☜︎☹︎☹︎✋︎☠︎☝︎ ❄︎☟︎☜︎ ❄︎☼︎🕆︎❄︎☟︎." Error replied, glancing at Henry as he looked between the two adults, trying to figure out what they were saying. "In a way it could be considered a fairy tale. Just a different kind with different rules." he explained. Henry nodded, looking thoughtful. "Do you miss it?" he asked Error.

Error blinked, thinking. "I miss.... some parts of it." he said slowly. "Here you go." The waitress said, returning with the drinks. They noticed her name tag said Ruby. "Are you ready to order?" she asked with a smile. Emma nodded. "Yeah. Um, could I have some pancakes?" "Me too!" Henry piped up. Emma and Henry both turned to Error, waiting. Error gave them a look, silently asking, 'Do I have too?'  Henry narrowed his eyes. Error let out a sigh. "Just some toast." he told Ruby. "Buttered toast?" she asked. "Yeah, sure." he replied uncaringly. "Alrighty!" She chirped, walking off.

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