Volume 3; Chapter 9: The Guilt of Fate

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Just when Ruby bursts through the doors into the arena, there stands Pyrrha above the corpse of Penny Polendina. Lifeless and without emotions, limbs were scattered about and there was one sword stabbed into her head. The world had stopped for Ruby at that moment, and despite Violet shaking her, trying to get the scythe-wielder out of her stupor, there was no answer. 

Memories of her and Penny played through her mind, how Penny had told her all about how she was an android. How they became friends, and then it all burst in a sudden flash of silver light exploding outside of the arena.

"Penny!" Was all Ruby could yell as the silver light encased everything in its radius, before it all condensed in on itself in a swift motion. 

"And there you have it, people of Remnant, a lie created by Atlas, and another fabricated by the great Ozpin. The silver eyes do exist, and yet, they have lied to you all. Shouldn't huntsmen and huntresses be taught with honor and courage? Yet I see neither before me. " Rang a voice on the intercom, that being Cinder Fall. 

People murmur to themselves, and some running to be let out.

"Hey! Ruby!" Violet yelled, nudging Ruby on the shoulder, "Focus!"

"So I ask you, when the first shots are fired..." Cinder says.

"Warning grimm incoming! Threat Level: Error Error!" Comes the voice of the alarm, blaring out signals. 

Grimm begin to tear through the stadium walls, begging to be let in. Their sharp talons and claws slice through the metal as if a hot knife slicing through butter. The shields put up fail, as the grimm rush through. 

"Who will you trust?" Cinder asks, before everything is shut off. 

Then the panic sets in, bystanders begin to run, grimm begin to close their maw on those unfortunate to move due to fear. Airships come crashing down from overhead as Atlesian Robots turn on others in the streets, their once light blue light turning dark red. 

"Penny..." Was all Ruby could mutter in her shock, sitting still in a kneeling position, tears falling from her silver eyes. 

"Ruby! Listen to me!" Violet yelled, managing to make Ruby turn to her, "I know this a big shock to you, but please, help me get others to safety, okay?"

Ruby could only blankly stare back at Violet, her eyes looking almost hollow. The spear-wielder clicks her tongue, and walking off.

"Fine, just sit there and let everyone die." Violet says before turning to the grimm that had landed on the ground, stomping her foot down and letting shockwaves roll across the stadium, hitting the grimm and making them float upward. 

Then, rockets fly outward and hitting the grimm onward, spilling blackened blood on the ground, charred limbs go flying and bones shooting outward in a mess of intestines and blood. Violet looks back to see her brother, Lionel holding the line, with Indie looking at Ruby worryingly. 

"Bro! You're safe!" Violet yells in relief, before being flung backward by a slash of a talon, her aura taking the brunt of the hit as she flies back into her brother's arms. 

"Are you okay? What is happening? Where is everyone else?" Lionel asks rapid-fire, much to Violet's chagrin. 

"I'm fine, but I think someone hacked the Amity Coliseum." Violet says, standing up, with Lionel noticing something missing from her hands. 

"...Where's your spear?" Lionel asks, a sigh coming from Violet. 

"It got absorbed by a black skeleton." Violet says, launching her fist into the ground, letting shockwaves roll outward. 

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