Untitled Part 3

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                                             CHAPTER 3

“Did you have the van running?”

I wake up to Mark yelling at Jace. Mark’s face is twisted in anger as he shifts his eyes from me to Jace. I steal a quick glance at Jace before casting my eyes down to my bound wrist. He looks confused, like someone just woke him up from a dream only to discover he’s now in some kind of nightmare.

“Yeah I had the van running for about 15 minutes I was cold and I thought she was cold too. What’s the big deal?”

“Did you have her untied too?”

“Only long enough to re-tie her so she would be more comfortable.”

“Unbelievable!! I leave for 20 minutes and you think you can just do whatever the fuck you feel like! What else did you do Jace? Did you fuck her too?”

“Go to hell Mark you’re sick you know that. She’s just a k….”

When Jace told Mark that he was sick, Mark launched himself at Jace and punched him square in the face. One hit was all it took to bring blood spurting out of Jace’s nose and mouth.

“Who do you think you’re talking to like that? Don’t you evvver forget that I’m the one in charge here. I’m the one who calls the shots. I’m the one who decides everything. When I say jump you better fucking jump. When I say you can start the van, start the fucking van. When I say don’t touch the girl, don’t talk to the girl, don’t untie the fucking girl you better listen Jace.”

Jace just sits there on the floor of the van where he was knocked down after Mark punched him. Blood is flowing from both his lips and blood is flowing even faster from his left nostril. He makes no attempt to wipe the blood away or stop the bleeding as he stares at Mark with a mixture of shock, fear, and possibly hatred. But why would he look at Mark like he hated him? Granted Mark did just punch him in the face, yet I get the feeling that this is not the reason for the look of hatred in his eyes. Maybe he’s looking at him like that because Mark basically accused him of raping me? I AM NOT SAFE!!!!

“Look Mark I’m sorry man…you are in charge, you do call the shots okay. I guess I didn’t think you would care if I started the van and as far as me untying Clary goes; the ropes were too tight on her wrist, her hands were turning purple. Again I’m sorry, but come on Mark our situation is messed up. She was never part of the plan right? We have to stick together for this to work. If we start fighting and breaking down then we are screwed. As far as she goes I just don’t see the point in making things worse, she doesn’t need to be more scared than she already is. Her being scared only makes things more stressful for the two of us right?”

Mark slumps down to the floor of the van and runs his hands over his face, knocking the Steelers hat from his head, and then he proceeds to run his pale fingers through his dark hair causing it to stick up wildly. He keeps his fingers knotted in his hair as he closes his eyes. There is pure silence in the van right now. I do my best to control my breathing just as I would imagine Jace is doing the same. Keep quite! Defuse the bomb that is Mark. I want to look at Jace to see if he is still bleeding. I want to slide my bottom across the van and kick Mark in the face. I want his face to bleed like he made Jace’s face bleed. I don’t do either I just stay frozen and quiet.

Mark opens his eyes and drops his hands into his lap before rising to his feet and making his way to the front of the van where Jace is setting. He places one of his pale hands on top of Jace’s head and lifts Jace’s chin up with his other hand and looks at his face, examining the brutality that he has just inflicted on this beautiful boy. STOP IT CLARY! DON’T YOU DARE FEEL BAD FOR HIM!

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