~The Visitor

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"Ahh.. Karlos, please! Fuck it- harder!"

I am pressed against the door to Darby's bedroom. I was walking down the hall's this morning when loud moans caught my ears.

"Mnna! Smack my ass and pull my hair, baby.."

I press against the door harder. Is she okay?

"Ugh, you feel so good.. So wet and tight.."

Wait a minute. Whose Karlos? What are they talking about?

"Ah! Fuck! faster, faster." She pants out random words.


"Oh.. shit. It's too big."

Her moans are turning louder, and louder. Is she hurt?


I try for the door handle, unlocked.

"Ah! Shit.. I'm coming. I'm coming. Fuck my pussy, yeah."

The second I hear those words I've already flung the door open.

The scene I see is not once of absolute innocence.

I see Darby, as bare as the day she was born. She lays on a bed, and hovering over her is a male. Whom, I do not know..

My eyes immediately zone in on his manhood, which is plunged deep into Darby's kitty. So much I would think they're one person.

"Nope!" I cover my eyes and start feeling for a towel as they scramble to get up. A towel, a blanket, a washcloth, a napkin, anything!

I grab a piece of long fabric and toss it at him. I point to the door, "G-Get out! You fucking pervert!"

He scurries out, leaving Darby breathless on the bed.

I uncover my eyes, my hand still pointed at the doo-no wait, never mind, the wall.

Darby breathes out and flops back.

I look around my room. Clothes are strewn all throughout it. Hanging from her chandelier is a bra and a belt. Then on my bed.


White stains cover my bed, and surround Darby's swollen, red kitty like a halo of milk.

Why the fuck are you looking?!

I cover my eyes again and point to a random item. "Cover, please."

Darby clicks her tongue, laying on her side as to show off the curve of her body. "Are you sure? Do you want to maybe-?"

"No fucking way!" I screech.

One. I don't like girls, period.

Two. I'm a virgin.

And the number three prize. The idea of making love, has always grossed me out.

I bat my hand in her direction. "Dress!"

She chuckles and slides off her bed. Throwing on her bathrobe. She ties the strap, "Okay, you can open."

I open my eyes hesitantly, before glaring at Darby. "What the fuck were you doing?"

Darby chuckles again, "Just that very thing. Fucking."

I roll my eyes, "Well I'm not sending any maids in here, so you're gonna have to clean all this up."

Darby sighs before snapping her fingers. Suddenly everything disappears in a puff of blue and gold magic. The clothes, the mess, the disheveled bed. Everything is neat and the air no longer smells of orgasms, but of daisy's.

The Risen Queen and Fallen King (UNEDITED 'The Ruination #1)Where stories live. Discover now