Reaper! Czechia x child! reader ("Halloween" special) - Be a dad...?

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Reaper! Czechia x child! reader ("Halloween" special) - Be a dad...?

Enjoy ~


~ Czechia p. o. v. ~

I sighed as I walked in the dark forest by the borders with Germany. Today is the 2nd of November, Dušičky. Translated to English Souls Day or the Day of the dead. And why am I in the middle of nowhere and near the German borders? Good question.

Not only that I am a country but also a reaper. I take souls of my people and mainly souls of the people that die in my lands and guyed them to their afterlife. Today I had to take someone's life here but so far...I haven't seen anyone. I was about to head back but two sets of footsteps and two distant voices made me stop. I listened closely and followed them.

Soon I reached a giant tilia tree where the voices were loud enough to understand "So you are saying we should just keep it here?" a male voice asked "Of course you dickhead! It will die and no one will find it" A female voice said in return"How can you be so sure about that?!" the man yelled at the woman. I decided to peek from behind the tree trunk. I saw a young woman with a bit older man. As well as something wrapped in a (pink/blue) blanket beside them. I watched, confused.

"Be quiet you idiot! Do you want it to wake up?!" she growled at him "Of course not! But how can you be so sure no one will find a kid!?" the man whispered-yelled at her. My eyes widened. A child....a freaking child?! "Yes, I am absolutely sure. This is a closed place and a country that almost no one knows about" the woman answered him, clearly annoyed and impatient. I growled as she said the last sentence "Já ti ukážu zemi kterou nikdo nezná" (I will show you a country that no one knows)

In a blink of an eye, I stood before the couple, four of my wings spread to their full length. The couple stopped, looking up at me and backing away slowly "W-who are you?!" the man yelled at me while pushing the woman behind her "Well, if you knew geography enough you would realize by now who I am" I growled at them.

I felt as the wind suddenly blew past me making my cloak fall from my head, exposing my face that was light up with a small lantern from my scythe. I watched as they both realized who I am "Pl-please, let us leave. W-we were just our way out from your country. We must have gotten carried away on our night walk" the woman pleaded and wanted to talk her way out of it. I narrowed my eye at her.

"Oh really now? So you didn't just leave your own child in my lands?! In a country that nobody knows?!?" I yelled directly at her as she hid behind the man sobbing and trembling. The man wasn't one of the bravest either. His eyes constantly darted around, trying to find a way how to escape or something he would fight with. I had enough of it.

I reached out of my pocket and snapped my fingers. The time seemed to slow down as I brought both of them close to me. They began to plead and scream for help but they soon went silent as I sliced the scythe through their bodies. I watched as a white light came from the fresh giant wounds on their stomachs. Both of the bodies glowed brightly and turned into balls of light. I reached out my hand and both of the light balls floated into my palm. I studied them for a moment before I closed my palm tightly and broke those souls apart.

"People like you don't deserve to go to the afterlife" I muttered as I looked at the shards in my palm. Soon the time went back to normal. I watched as the shards left my hand with another harsh blow of wind and disappearing into the night. I walked to the bundle of the blanket and kneeled down next to it while my wings disappeared. 

I unwrapped it to reveal a young child. About four years old. I narrowed my eyes when I noticed a few scratches and scrapes on (her/his) face. I moved a strand of hair off (her/his) face. The child leaned to the touch, presiding (her/his) head in my hand. I widened my eyes as I realized that the child is cold as ice and (her/his) breathing was starting to get slower. I started to panic.

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