Chapter 7

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~Christie's P.O.V.~

Its a nice and warm day in Raleigh. Also its my birthday!!!!!! Its 8 and i have to go to hell. Oh sorry I meant school. Its been warm lately. I hate global warming but love it at once. I mean polar bears need a place to live and not on a sheet of ice in the middle of the ocean. Then its usually snowing around this time of year here.

I threw on my sun glasses and put on my 'Mad About You' perfume and lotion. (I use this and it smells so good also this isnt the outfit she wears to school) I sat down in my room and pulled out my phone. I noticed I still had that unknown text from New Years Eve. So I decided to click on it.

Unknown: So I see you are hanging and playing with Skylynn. Hehe. Dont warm up to the family too much. Im watching u.

Why does this have to happen to me?

I grabbed my bookbag (not in the pic. But the purse is for later) and got into the car with Taylor and Mom. I turned on the music on the radio and Sugar by Maroon 5 was on. I hummed softly as we went along. Taylor was silent.

"Janessa?" I asked turning to him. He just nodded and frowned. Like why would you be sad about a skanky slut? Whatever. I shook it off as we got to school. I grabbed my bookbag and went to the middle school building. While Taylor walked to the high school building he tripped. I looked around and saw Janessa. That bitch. I turned towards the building and marched over there. Once I saw her in sight I threw a book at her. Has she not learned her lesson? She turned around and gave me a dirty look. She tackled me, pushing me backwards into a bush. It hurt but I shook it off. I rolled over to where she was under me. I took one hand and balled it with her hair and the other one holding her down.

"Get off me!" She yelled. I gasped. I just yanked out all of her extensions. Which was 75 percent of her hair. She covered her mouth like an asian girl and made a dramatic gasp.

"Harris!" I heard. I turned around to the superintendent of both middle and high school. Mrs. Hardison. She was a witch because of her mole on her cheek and the long nose but also because she was horrible. I crawled off of Janessa and followed Mrs. Hardison into her office. I explained what happened and she didnt believe me. Since she hated both Taylor and I we were typically being screwed over.

"I will make a call to your mother immediately. " I mumbled the same thing like a jerk and she snorted at me. I heard the low murmurs from the phone and her in the other room as I looked at my hair. I think it looks pretty dull. I mean just plain brown hair gets boring after 14 years.

"Your mother is here and your suspension is a total of 2 weeks." No school!!!! She shooed me away and I ran to Taylor's homeroom. I barged into his class and the teacher looked at me.

"Can I help you?" The man asked. I nodded, grabbed Taylor's arm, and dragged him to the car. I got Taylor because he hates school also. We got in and before Mom could open her mouth I explained everything with one word.

"Janessa." She nodded. I told her everything else and she was proud. Even about the thing at club gravity. We drove home and had about 7 hours until Hayes and his family come at 4. I guess we should do something other than sit around and do nothing. But I mean that is fun.

"Hey Chris do you wanna get your hair done for your birthday?" Mom asked. I smiled and nodded. I told Taylor that we are going out and he just did his 'yeah yeah whatever'. So Mom and I got in the car.

"So why am I going to get my hair done?" I asked. I turned on the radio after I asked because there is no such thing as no time for music. Like no music equals nothing.

"Because first of all your show is next month and will make you pop a bit. Then your boyfriend is coming." She said poking me. I blushed and giggled.

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