Chapter 1- Where it all Began...

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It was the start of a new year and Alexis and Emma were starting secondary school along with everyone else at their old primary and the other primary schools in the area. When all the new 1st years entered the theatre, everyone was sitting with their friends and not wanting to be split up from them. Emma was sitting with her best friend Lauren, talking about how much she hated it already and it had only been 5 minutes. Lauren on the other hand was disagreeing. She got dropped off at school a bit earlier than Alexis and had already made two new friends, Amy and Alisha. When the introduction started the room fell silent. 

Alexis' P.O.V

When the PowerPoint and introduction was over everyone was put into their houses and different sections. Lauren and I were no longer together. When i went into my English class along with the rest of my section we got put in to our groups for the year. I was sat next to a boy named Luke and another named Calum and a girl named Emma. When we got our books and everything handed out, we started an easy lesson. We started reading a novel and at the end of the novel we would have to write an essay about it. Before we started reading we had to introduce ourselves to the group we were sat at. When i introduced myself Emma looked at me funny and started laughing because of how nervous and shy i was. It didn't make the situation any better. After class i asked her why she done it and she just told me straight that she didn't like me and that i was annoying. She doesn't even know me! i thought to myself, I didn't hold back, I done something i regretted, I shouted something to her. I shouted 'who the hell are you to judge?! You can't just walk into this building and act like you know everything about everyone and everything!! If you honestly think that by doing that it's gonna get you far you can think again. You're just a jealous stupid little girl and you don't care who you hurt. Now just stay away from me for the rest of the day!' she walked away with her friends and laughed again. 

Later that day at lunch when i went to go and meet Lauren in the social area i could see that she had made a big grouo of friends now. I asked her if she wanted to hang around after school but she said to me 'this is highschool, you make new friends, iv'e made mine so i don't need my old ones anymore, especially you, just go away and find yourself new friends and dont talk to me again.' i felt humiliated. Everyone was staring at me and laughing at me behind my back. 1st day of highschool and its been torture already! how great! 

i was walking down the hall having people laugh at me, call me names, throw stuff at me and its all because of that person i used to call my bestfriend. people pushed me into lockers, threw my books about the hall, hit me, the list could go on. i felt like shouting at them all and telling them to back off but i knew it wouldnt make them stop but it was worth a shot anyway so i did it. 'LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY! IM A PERSON TOO, A HUMAN JUST LIKE YOU ALL AND IF YOU THINK BULLYING ME AND JUDGING ME IS GONNA MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER, THEN YOU'RE WRONG! IS IT BECAUSE OF MY SHOES, HAIR, T-SHIRT?? WHAT IS IT! WHY DOES EVERYONE ALWAYS HATE ME?! WHY CANT I HAVE A NORMAL LIFE?!' when i turned round after i stopped shouting the tears were running down my face. i seen people running towards me as if the were going to hit me. i ran, but they ran faster. i ran out of school and down the street but by the time i got to the park i couldn't go any further and the bullies had already got me...

Sorry its really short and also sorry its really bad. this is my first story iv'e ever wrote so yeah. please comment and stuffff :))))) thank yuuu

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2015 ⏰

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