Chapter 1

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As my eyes opened looking straight to my clock, I realized it was already 6 am. Today was the big day ! September 1st, today I'm taking the Hogwarts express for the fourth time to go back home. This summer had been even worse than the previous ones, I didn't even see my friends. Last year my stupid dad let me at least go to Hannah's... but this year I was lucky if I could even get out my bedroom ! Since mom passed away 3 years ago, he'd been extra careful with me and my little sister Emma, especially with the you-know-who situation going on. He wouldn't survive losing one of us, but I mean we're allowed to have our own lives ! Anyways, I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts !

It's the one place i actually feel 100 % myself, and the fact that Emma's gonna be there with me for the first time this year is even more exciting ! I'm kinda famous at Hogwarts, and for a very specific reason. I'm the only student in the history of Hogwarts who couldn't be sorted in a house. During my sorting ceremony, the hat stayed like twenty minutes on my head before admitting he couldn't decide between Slytherin and Hufflepuff, which is an honestly a fairly odd situation. Every single person present at the sorting ceremony was shocked and didn't even know how to react to that, to what house was I going to belong ? To both ? Or would I have to choose one myself ?

After like a week or two of sleeping in the hospital wing cause I couldn't sleep either in the Hufflepuff or the Slytherin dormitories, I had a meeting with Dumbledore and McGonnagall where they explained how my years at Hogwarts were gonna work. Basically I'm actually part of both houses cause the sorting hat said so and no one can change that, they told me i could sleep wherever I want (I mean either in Hufflepuff or Slytherin), which is great to be honest, and for the points' system, every time i get points, half goes to each of my two houses. Since I've been pretty unique since my first day, everyone tried to be friends with -as the newspapers call me- « the history making girl ». But i still had a pretty rough time fitting in my houses knowing Slytherins hate Hufflepuffs and vice-versa. Quickly I realized I wasn't much appreciated by the Slytherins as I associated them with Hufflepuffs, but the Hufflepuffs were really nice about it -as they always are- and kindly did everything for me to fit in.

Even though I relate a lot to Slytherin and its values, practically all my friends are Hufflepuffs and I've grown to like being a Hufflepuff a lot. Sometimes it's painful to think half of my points are going to Slytherin when the only thing they did was trying their best to get as far away from me as they could. But I'm actually in a really good place now, I don't care what people think of me and this particular situation doesn't really affect my life at Hogwarts.

All my stuff for Hogwarts was already ready from last night, I had all my homework done, and my room was clean. I had spent the whole summer waiting for this very day to come. I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs to meet my dad and little sister Emma eating breakfast :
« Ughh you didn't wake me up ? » I said, « we're gonna run late if I don't rush, and you two perfectly know I hate to be rushed ! »
« Okay ! Okay ! i'm sorry, you probably shouldn't waste more time talking to us then » said my dad acting vexed. We live kinda far from London, from where the Hogwarts express leaves, and my dad refuses to use any kind of magic to get there faster because he's scared it would draw attention to us, so we have to do a two hour long car drive every time we go to London
I took one of the pancakes off the table and shoved it into my mouth, kissing my dad on the cheek and my sweet little sister on the forehead, before running upstairs to the bathroom to get prepared.

As I entered the bathroom and saw my morning face, I almost scared myself. I should have got used to it now, I have never, oh never, looked even a little bit pretty in the morning. I quickly turned the water on in the shower and once I got out, I did a simple but really cute makeup. I then brought all my stuff including my ginormous suitcase in the living room where my family was waiting for me, ready to go.

After a veeery long drive, we finally got to king's cross, one of my favorite places in the world. It has always amazed me with its beauty and the amount of people walking through the huge hall all the time. My excitement took over my whole body and I couldn't help but run to finally get to the platform between the ninth and the tenth. I had to wait for my lazy dad and sister cause they preferred taking their sweet time. My sister, who had never crossed the iconic wall before, asked to go with me, holding my hands. I happily said, yes and we ran together towards the platform nine and three quarters, where I would finally see my friends again after two long months.

We were followed a few seconds later by our dad, who immediately took both of us into his arms telling us to be careful and to have fun -without putting our lives in danger-. I couldn't hold back my excitement, so I hugged my dad and hopped on the train to meet my friends. Once I was in a cabin, I saw Emma was still on the platform talking to dad, they both seemed a little bit nervous, but I knew we were all gonna be fine this year. As the train made a loud noise announcing it was about to take off, I saw them hugging and Emma running to get on board. That's when the train slowly started moving.

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