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Happy ones
Always laughing
Didn't have much
But we were happy
Couldn't afford nice things all the time
But we had each other
In my eyes
We were a picture perfect family
But then tragedy struck
Tore us apart
Never to be reunited again
Broken shards are everywhere
Too broken to be mended
Words of people who loathed us
Actions of people who didn't want us to be together
Tore my family apart
Now I'm stuck in between
Not knowing which way to go
Having to choose
But not wanting to hurt either
My mother who i love
Think we love father more
My father who i love
Is all alone in his own home
My sister who i love
Is on the verge of completing breaking
What should i do?
I don't know
No matter what i choose
A beloved gets hurt
Tears are shed
Hearts are broken
I'm trapped in between this battle
This world so cruel
Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse
The already broken pieces are breaking more
And i can do nothing
Can't offer comfort
Can't mend any pieces
Can only sit and cry
Cry as my perfect family shatters completely
Why do i have to choose?
Why do we have to suffer?
Why does it need to hurt?
I've been walking for so long
But i can't see the light at the end of the tunnel
I can only feel the pain
Hear the cries
See the tears and the blood
My strength is seeping away slowly
I'm losing hope
Losing my will
My steps are slowing down
My legs giving out
My heart is wearing
My family
Is broken
And so am i

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