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"Another one!" He beckons the waiter after finishing the n-th beer. He isn't really aware of how many bottles he downed in the span of two hours. He lost count after the 10th. He had to achieve high alcohol tolerance to dominate the alphas in various business meetings. That trait was coming handy to soothe his remorseful heart.

The moments of the gala are still vivid in his drunken hazy mind. No matter how much he devours, those are not fading. Soon another beer arrives and he is about to down that one too, when a familiar fair hand stopped him.

"Kong." A low, worried voice came from his behind. He couldn't look back. He was frozen in his seat. His mind stopped responding. He didn't expect for that person to come, look for him. At least not today, as his presence was more important somewhere else.

The person, Arthit snatched the beer from his hand and sat across from him on the empty seat. His face unreadable as he looked at Kongpob.

"How many?" He asked, eyes not leaving his face, afraid to miss the slightest flicker of emotion.

Kongpob stays quiet, his eyes not meeting Arthit's. He's still contemplating if he's really here or he's hallucinating.

Arthit shook his head and pays the bill. Then hauls Kongpob up from his seat to leave the club without another word.

They silently got into Arthit's awaiting car. The whole ride back none of them uttered a single word, lost in their deep thoughts. As they reached The Rojanpat mansion Arthit supports Kongpob to settle down in their shared room.

Arthit helped Kongpob to change as he unbuttoned his rumpled dressshirt one by one after taking off his suit, patiently waiting for the younger male to say anything as the silence was almost deafening.

Kongpob just stood there stiffly, looking at particularly nowhere, mind adrift, soaking the warmth radiating from Arthit as they stood close to each other. He was waiting for the older male to break the silence. His mind was so full of thoughts that he didn't know from where to begin. But he decided to break the ice first as the other one was taking too long for his comfort.

"So" he started, voice little rough "Do you like her?"

He wasn't quite sure out of everything he could talk about why he brought this up. But who was he kidding! It was the only thing he wanted to know right at the very moment.

"Who?" Arthit replied in a dismissive tone without looking up, as he deliberately took longer to open up the last few buttons of Kongpob's dress shirt. Not wanting to miss the chance to stand this close to the other. He was quite enjoying their close proximity in not so enjoyable moment they were in.

Kongpob grabbed Arthit's wrist roughly all of a sudden as a surge of emotion ran through him hearing his indifference, making Arthit look at him in surprise.

"Her? The princess, Suhana" Kongpob continued, his eyes now staring deep in Arthit's "Do you like her?"

After few seconds staring like that, Arthit heaved a sigh as he freed his hand from Kongpob's grasp exerting a little force. Not bothering to answer, he turned to leave but Kongpob grabbed his hand again, pulling him in his arms.

The alcohol in Kongpob's system was finally starting to work out as he began to say the things hidden deep in his heart in a single breath, he would never dare to speak out loud infront of the older as he always lacked the courage to be open about his feelings.

"I hate seeing you with anyone. I hate when you smile at others or become close. I hate it Arthit. I hate what I feel when I see you with potential partners. I feel lonely, hopeless, empty. I feel like I am gonna lose the most precious thing to me. I don't want to lose you Oon. I..I love.."

He could've go on longer or complete his confession but was cut off in mid rant by a pair of soft lips on his.

Kongpob was shocked but slowly responded to the very unexpected but much appreciated kiss. A small smile formed on his lips as he felt the other one smiling.

Two lips danced in a slow rhythm against each other savouring the taste, as the hands started to roam freely without a care, feeling each curve and dents. Soon the pace changed and it became a war of teeth, tongue and sensual moans. It didn't take long to escalate as the years of hidden desires erupted between two souls hungry for touch and affection. Two bodies became fused with no space in between, tugging and pulling to dominate the other. Rest of the clothes started to come off one by one as the need to feel the naked hot skin underneath grew stronger. The haze of arousal began to cloud their mind shutting off any reasoning.

It was everything Kongpob wanted, desired but somehow going farther felt wrong as he sobered a little. He was trying very hard to hold onto the little bit of control but Arthit's every touch, his warmth, his passion was pulling him deeper and deeper to the point of no return.

Arthit abruptly stopped, feeling Kongpob's hesitation. He wanted to take everything slow but somehow his self restrain snapped after all the wait. He put  his forehead on the other, closing his eyes, taking deep breaths to calm himself, still in tight embrace.

Few minutes passed by, none of them dared to make a move or speak. Afraid to face the consequences of their shared intimacy.

Kongpob's mind was a mess. His heart was full to the brim but his logical thinking was screaming at him how wrong it was as there's no future for them. He was living in a lie. He couldn't drag Arthit with him to the depth of sufferings. He deserved better than him. Arthit deserves better. The weight of his reality forced him to break free of the embrace. Words already filled in his mouth to convince the older male to forget everything that happened but Arthit beat him to it.

"I know what are you thinking Kongpob and I will not let you do it." Arthit Said firmly, as if he could read Kongpob like a open book, his thoughts, his dilemmas, his fears. "I love you Kong. I want you by my side, forever. It doesn't matter to me how difficult it will be for us to be together. I am ready to face every challenges if you're with me."

A lone tear streaked down Kongpob's face as the older male cupped his cheek lovingly. He couldn't believe his ears. Arthit loved him too. Still there are too many things to pay, to lose.

"But..but.." He wasn't totally convinced.

"No buts. Just tell me, Do you really love me?" There was a hint of desperation in Arthit's voice as he cut him off for the second time.

"I do." Kongpob couldn't deny his heart anymore, no hesitation in his voice. He loved the other from bottom of his heart.

"Then Please give me a chance, give us a chance." Arthit was now begging, he didn't want to lose after coming this far. "I know your fears Kong, how life treated you. But believe me, I am trying. I am really trying to make the world better for you to live without lies. And.. and I know I can make it better, we can make it better. So please, Give us chance. "

Kongpob cupped Arthit's cheek with both of his hand, hating the pleading tone. He brought their lips together in another passionate kiss as action speaks louder than words.

He wasn't completely sure but he wanted to give himself an opportunity to be happy with the person he loves. So he made up his mind to give his best efforts.

"Okay" Kongpob voiced in a low whisper against Arthit's lips, breaking the kiss "Let's give us a chance."

A blinding smile formed in Arthit's lips in pure happiness as he heard the other, making Kongpob smile in return.

"So Boyfriends?"


The night that followed after they had laid their heart and soul bare to each other was full of affection, longing and pure love. They basked in the other's warmth while sleeping side by side, promising to stay by side, eternally.

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