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"Why are you here?" It was first sentence Kongpob uttered after the long hours of silence. "You shouldn't be here."

They had finished eating silently, waiting for the other to speak. A strange unfamiliarity had established between them in the span of only seven days. Too many things had changed in just a week. Too many things to say but too little courage and faith.

Kongpob didn't want the other to be with him, no matter how much he wants him but being with him will only bring  hardships and struggles.

Arthit deserves better than him, far far better.

He looked at the other's stunned eyes, repeated the same sentence with much more determination "Why are you here?"

Arthit didn't know how to reply to that particular question, what should he say? That he's here because he loves him? Or that he didn't want him to be left alone?

He knew that his eyes were projecting the same emotions he was feeling because the omega looked away, too overwhelmed by the love and longing that were displayed in his forever speaking eyes.

He heaved a long sigh as he took Kongpob's hands in his, and placed it over his beating heart making the younger look at him. He spoke what his heart was screaming.

"Because I want to be with you. I love you Kong. I will always be there for you. I know what you are thinking and I won't let it happen. I didn't fell in love with you because you are an omega or a successful businessman. I fell in love with you because you are you, My Kong."

A lone tear slid from the younger man's eyes as let himself be pulled by the other, basking in the warmth and security the older provided.

"But I'm not enough."

Kongpob found himself saying. He was drowning in insecurities. He had very little faith left for himself.

Arthit pulled him closer. He could feel the dilemma of the younger man. He had been in the receiving end of such criticism and hatred many time, just because he wasn't like other "Typical Alphas". He had been bullied in school, university, but he learned how to stay strong and pay no heed to those people who had nothing to do except gossiping about other's life.

"You are enough Kong, More than enough"

Arthit whispered as he rubbed soothing circles in his back.


"No buts. You are Enough, Kongpob. Look the media, the society will speak. It's their job to speak. But it's up to us how we would choose to live. It doesn't depend on  sexuality, male, female, alpha, omega or whatever it doesn't define oneself. You are human first. Just because some crack heads made some fixed ways how one should behave or go on with life and people are following like lambs without thinking, it doesn't mean it's right or absolute. You can choose not to follow or make your own way which you did and I'm proud of for that."

"Not everyone think like that Arthit..."

"Then forget that they exist..."

"Life isn't that simple..."

"We complicate it Kong. Life is really simple and we can make it simple again."

Kongpob stared at the other man, his eyes were sparkling with determination. It's not the first time he heard those words. It helped him whenever he reached his very bottom. The man would always pull him up. This time was no different it seems.

"How?" He really wanted to make everything better. He would do anything to live freely again. If he had Arthit by his side, he knew he can achieve anything. "Tell me."

Arthit hummed kissing his forehead. He could see the light again in those onyx eyes he loved.

"First, we need to sleep."  Arthit said in a serious tone.

"Huh?" Kongpob asked puzzled.

"Come on baby, let's sleep!" Arthit pecked the other's lips as he made themselves comfortable on the bed.

Kongpob snuggled closer to the warm body as he kissed the other man, not a simple peck. He needed more.

They kissed each other passionately, pouring their love, affection. Each kiss was of promises of new future and betterment waiting for the new sun to rise.

A new sun with a new day they will strive together, again.

A/N: Short chapter and late update :(

Happy Holidays. Hope the next year will bring immense happiness in your life.

Lots of Love.

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