Chapter 1

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Shining Armor's P.O.V.

 Everything was black. I couldn't see anything, but as I looked around more, I saw outlines of ponies. As I looked closer, there were different types of ponies, five of them. Two were earth ponies, one pegasus and one unicorn. One didn't even look like a pony. None looked fimiliar though. Suddenly, a cold shiver came over me. Moonlight shone through the castle windows. I was awake. It had been almost a month since Twilight had died. Ponies had already started cleaning up Ponyville after that day. Messengers had told all of Equestria, including the Crystal Empire. Tears were shed, prays were shared. The death of the Mane six was a tragic time, but nopony could stop it. Sadly, nopony has seen evidence of the attackers, nopony even knew who they were. A guard suddenly marched into the room. "The guards are awaiting orders sir." said the captain of the guards, Flash Sentry. It had taken a toll on Flash to since Twilight was his marefriend. "Send guards all aroung Equestria,Hoofington,Ponyville,Canterlot, EVERYWHERE! NOW!" I yelled, I didn't even care if I woke up everypony in the castle, I wanted to make sure that these killers would never be seen again. Flash ran out of the room, loudly shutting the door in such a rush. I walked onto the balcony, moonlight shining on my face. "I WILL AVENGE YOU TWILIGHT, I WILL AVENGE YOU!" I yelled, it seemed as if Celestia would hear my cry from here. A loud crack of thunder sounded from above, and lightning flashed its radient colors. But something was peculiar about that lighning flash... it was a rainbow. 

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