Chapter Ten

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"Um, G-gran Torino, sir?" asked Izuku. "A-are you alright? You're l-laying in a puddle o-of ketchup."

"I'm fine, I just tripped while carrying a plate of sausages covered in ketchup!" Gran Torino said sitting up and magically wiping ketchup completely off of his costume.

"U-um, okay." Izuku highly doubted that. Those sausages weren't even cooked!

Gran Torino put an arm behind his head and asked, "Who are you?"

"I'm I-izuku Midoriya. I'm here f-for the work study."


Izuku spoke a little louder. "I-i'm Izuku Midoriya!"

"So what's your name, boy?" 

'Okay, I mean he was All Might's teacher so I expected him to be old, but this guy is bonkers!' Izuku thought. 

"I could really use some food."

"S-some food?"


"No, M-midoriya." That settles it, if Gran Torino was mistaking him for All Might, the guy was not fit to be mentoring. "U-um just give me a moment, I-i need to make a p-phone call." Izuku started to put in All Might's number when he noticed that Gran Torino was opening the case for his costume.

"Hey, this is a pretty sweet costume," Gran Torino said.

Izuku freaked out. "H-hey that's my s-stuff!"

Gran Torino continued going through the brief case. "Why don't you fire a One for All smash at me?"

"Um, s-sir?" Izuku was confused. Sure he was somewhat able to control One for All now, but a lot of that was probably due to the fact that he'd had other quirks before hand and was somewhat able to understand the process of controlling it. Even if only just a little.

"I want to see how far you've come in terms of handling it's power," Gran Torino said. "This is a pretty good costume. Now where's that attack?"

"B-but sir..." Izuku was cut off by Gran Torino turning to face him.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" 

'Okay, please tell me this is some weird kind of joke,' Izuku thought. "I-i'm here because I n-need to learn how to c-control One for A-all. I need t-to get better at it, a-and fast. I won't b-be able to get by w-with just relying on m-my other quirks. I'm also h-here because I don't k-know if All Might has m-much time left. I'm s-sorry. But I can't w-waste my whole week m-messing around l-like this sir. I hope y-you'll excuse me." Izuku bowed and then turned to leave.

"As I thought," Gran Torino said. 

"H-huh?" Suddenly Gran Torino was racing around the room, jumping of the walls, floor, and ceiling, at an insanely fast pace before he landed above the door way, breaking through the wall slightly to hold himself there.

"It's time for you to show me what you can do, ya newbie. He, he, he!" Izuku was now officially terrified of the man that would be teaching him for the next week.

"I watched the Yuuei Sports Festival on television," Gran Torino continued. "The way you used One for All was unthinkable. Reckless! He's not training you well. He may be the symbol of peace and the number one hero, but All Might's a total novice when it comes to teaching. I can only imagine what a blunder he is in the classroom.

'Now that I think about it, All Might called us newbies on his first day as well. And sometimes he acts completely clueless. I guess this guy really is his teacher!"

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