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I woke up with a start, like when you start falling asleep and you feel like you're falling suddenly. My heart jumped multiple times and I sat up straight, bringing my hand on my chest, clutching my shirt to keep my heartbeat steady.

And then I furrowed my eyebrows when I realized..I could feel my heartbeat. That hadn't happened in awhile.

I took a deep intake of breath, feeling my lungs fill up and then exhaled, it almost hurt to feel the oxygen leave my body.

I began to look around, the feeling of doom impending over me as I noticed I didn't recognize where I was at all.

The room I was currently in was like a burrow, a small cave area with nothing but the torn, rat-eaten mattress on the bumpy, rocky floor that was quite uncomfortable to lay on, a beaten-up, dark wooden dresser with minimal clothes that spilled out of it, and a rickety chair that looked like it would break if you laid a finger on it due to all the rust and mold that grew on its frame.

"Jay!" I heard from behind the "door"..which was just a ragged, stained sheet that covered a gaping hole in the wall,"Where are you, you rat?"

The voice was feminine yet angsty, like whoever was traipsing through the area was pissed off at the world. To be honest, a very detailed mood I was currently experiencing.

I stayed in the room but slowly stood up as I looked around for a way to escape, noticing a "window", yet another hole in a wall on the opposite side of the room that looked like it lead outside, another sheet covered it so the light barely came through.

I made my way towards it but tripped over a obviously years-of-worth worn blanket (or was it a rug?) and hitting the floor with a thud. I wish I could say it was a soft landing but my entire right side of my body could tell you otherwise.

I groaned on the ground, not having felt pain in forever, before I heard someone say behind me,"You know I could hear you from the kitchen, right?"

I whipped around, falling back as my adrenaline made my side stop hurting. Realizing they could actually see me and my vulnerable self.

Who had entered was a teenage girl, she was at least five feet tall and even though she was tiny, she looked like she could rip anyone's head off.

Her purple hair went to her shoulders while her features were chiseled in a soft yet endearingly scary way, she dressed like she was going to a punk pop concert with dark purple leather pants with multiple zippers on them and a black with multiple different shades of purple and green accents all over it.

The thing I noticed most about her were her eyes. Emerald green, so bright and vivid that you could see them through the dark. She scared me and I didn't even know her.

The fear and unfamiliarity on my face must've made her confused thought as she looked me up and down,"You look like you've seen a ghost."


"You better get up, we have to get to Carlos's. He's throwing a party and we're inviting Evie."

She rolled her eyes when saying "Evie" with a malicious yet bored tone, like I was supposed to know what that meant.

When I didn't budge, she cocked her head to the side,"You okay?"

I didn't speak. I was in complete awe of what was going on.

I'm alive? But how? Caleb wouldn't just bring me back to life...would he?

"Jay," she snapped her fingers like a whip, the sound loud and clear which made me get out of my trance,"we need to go. Come on."

She began walking out of the room, the sheet that covered the doorway falling behind her.

I began breathing faster as anxiety filled my body. How could I be alive? And where was I?

So many questions that I wanted to be answered..but I heard the girl yell in the other room and it brought me back to reality,"Bring some decorations you think will work from your dad's store, will ya?"

I stood up, hearing her rummaging through stuff and making a loud noise as I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a bright red yet grungy beanie off the surface, noticing a broken mirror sitting next to it and picking it up. I nearly dropped it when I saw myself.

My hair was darker and thicker, definitely more greasy and dirty than I'd like to admit too. My face looked younger, my face was plumper like I went backwards in time to when I was 15 instead of my 17 year old self.

That's when I noticed the fingerless gloves on my hands and looked down at the rest of my outfit. Leather and wool. Not really my thing usually especially since all the items I was wearing were dusty and dirty.

I placed the mirror back on the dresser and felt my breathing shorten, thinking to myself...

Where am I?

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